Megaman: What's wrong? I just need a repair on my eye. Pit: Most people aren't that nonchalant about losing an eye! Come on, lets find the others.
This a lot detail that forshadowed palutena being infected, her constant smile, the fact she has her eyes closed as to not reveal her lack of eyes, her size being larger than normal but isn’t commented on due to being one of her powers. Also the “EVERYONE IS HERE” being turned into “EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE HERE” is a pretty cool detail
Even a high-ranking being like Palutena...! But she let Pit escape while she still had sanity.
1:24 I feel like this apology is more about asking Pit to gather as many survivors as he could before the infected **literal goddess**. Maybe the virus was controlling her, and she only got a small window of control to show her sadness...
Pit: robots cant get infected right? Zero: yeeeaa about that...
I LOVE the acting from Palutena’s VA here. It sounds like she’s on the verge on tears until she finally breaks.
I don’t know why but this sence 1:23 it feels like she’s crying because the infection has taken control to the point where pit believes what she says and she caused pit to go to someone who’s probably already infected, like sending someone to their death, and she’s crying because she basically sent pit to the infection.
Fun fact I noticed, This episode(?) uses the three pigments that make light when showing Palutena, along with static. I think this is supposed to hint that she's supposed to be putting up an illusion that's breaking down. The flashes of color stop when she apologizes to Pit and it was shown she was at stage 4.
Oh my god... is the narrator talking to the child? You know, the one who canonically made Smash by just playing with their toys? If so, that opens up a whole can of worms I'm not ready to deal with.
Meanwhile, a group of Assist Trophies started searching for any possible survivors. Waluigi: I'm not gonna believe that Wario is dead until I see his body. Shadow The Hedgehog: The sooner we find some survivors, the better. Gray Fox: Your the one who suggested that we should start this search party because your surprisingly worried about Sonic. Why are you so eager to find him? Shadow The Hedgehog:... This zombie-like apocalypse, I've seen it before. It happened back in my world. Issac: WHAT? THIS VIRUS INFECTED GREEN HILL ZONE TOO? Shadow The Hedgehog: I wasn't talking about THIS virus. It was a completely different virus. Flashback to the events of the Metal Virus Arc. Shadow The Hedgehog narrating: I was fighting a group of Zombots when Sonic told me to run away instead of fighting them. I didn't listen to him & I ended up getting infected as a result. I thought he wanted me to ran away from them like a coward... But all this time, he was just trying to make sure that I don't get infected. End of Flashback. Shadow The Hedgehog: And now that this weird infection is happening, I need to make sure that Sonic doesn't make the same foolish mistake that I made. Waluigi:... Gray Fox:... Isaac:... Ashley:... That's kinda dark, even for me.
To anyone saying megaman is infected,I’m gonna clarify he isn’t. 1:Those tentacles are wires 2:The eye hes missing is from battle,not from infection
So I guess this shows that when phase 4 is reached, it varies per character. Palutena has been infected, and it looks like she used the last of her energy to convince Pit to leave and find more allies.
The person im most worried about is Sonic. He has the power and tools to fix all of this, but he also has the power to destroy everything if he gets infected. I would honestly hope that him and Pikachu are safe, both of them teaming together to end this.
Ok, so we all saw the "phase 4" thing right? I'm pretty sure this is what's going on: Paulutena is infected, obviously. But seems to have enough divine energy to hold herself back (that or the infection is just tricking pit ) to send pit away to either gather the survivors and take them into the world of light to safety, (that or just sending pit away so she doesn't hurt him) or like I said. It's a trap and like I said again, the infection was just tricking him. Hinting why we hear her say "I'm sorry pit". As she's forced to spectate. Dude there is so many things that are being implied here. And man do I feel bad for pit and his unawareness. Can't wait to see what's happening on the next part
HOLY SHIT THIS IS A STORY OF CHILD ABUSE. The narrator is speaking to the cannonical child that creates the ssbu universe so to speak. The lines, "Why do they have to suffer as much as you do? I know it wasnt your intention. Was it your fault though? You cetainly think it is" is what made me realize. Children usually think that their abuse is bc of what they did, or who they are, due to the influencable nature of children. They are told by their abuse parent/parents that it is their fault that they are getting abused, and they take that to heart. The Smash Child is being abused, meaning that the childlike wonder and joy is slowly being sapped from smash, as the child is less and less happy. Thats what the infection is. As the doctor said, "the infection isnt scientific in nature" Its emotional. The characters that are always happy and fun like Kirby, Pokemon, Mario are all the first to go, as they are more vulnerable to the change in emotions from happy to painful. Notice that no evil other than Plant have been seen yet. Master and Crazy hand, the hands of the child, are no where to be found, as they fled, scared of what they unintentionally caused. Feel free to add on to my ideas, bc i cant continue to sit here and continue to type this out.
Welp…with Palu not only being infected, but to the point of level 4, there aren’t a whole lot of characters that could fight an infected palutena, mewtwo or Kirby. Aside from sonic who could probably fight back if it’s only one of those three, there are only a few characters that may not have the stats to keep up, but have broken abilities that can really help. Characters like Byleth and Shulk would be very useful being able to manipulate that near future and all.
Sonic's universe is unironically one of the safest since he's the only one that got invited to smash. And if he does get infected everyone in his verse can just gather the chaos emeralds and save the day.
Palutenna is infected... normally this is the part where someone says "they're screwed it's a powerful character" But Palutenna has been Possessed before, a Suedo Palutenna fought pit and he won so really this is nothing new to them. Also Palutenna crying after revealing she has the virus was quite the scene. I absolutely love the idea that MegaMan is not infected, he's just hit with battle damage Causing his eye to fall out so he puts it back or wears an eyepatch and is perfectly fine
With everything that's happened, I can think of a few fighters that would give the virus a hard time: -Even if Samus's armor doesn't hold up, her DNA is a mess, so I think she'd have some immunity somewhere. -Ganondorf is already infected by some kind of supernatural corruption, and since the virus falls into the supernatural category, he doesn't really have any more room for the infection. -Even if Sonic's speed isn't enough, I think the chaos emeralds could counteract the infection if he goes Super Sonic. -I'm not completely convinced that Mega Man was actually infected. He's a robot. -Shulk's ability to see into the future would likely allow him to avoid infection (this is assuming he still has that power, as while he has it in Smash, he lost it by the end of his own game). -Bayonetta's witch time could probably allow her to avoid infection. -Byleth can have Sothis turn back time to before they got infected. -Steve would probably just drink some milk and remove the effect. -Similarly to R.O.B. and Mega Man, Pyra and Mythra likely wouldn't be infected, since they're collectively the human personification of a sword (the Aegis). Even then, Mythra has the some foresight ability as Shulk, and would see an infected fighter coming a mile away. And in terms of bringing dead fighters back, Wooden Plank Studios has an entire arc for that.