
3:29 Former Angel of Justice actually. Turned into the Spirit of Vengeance.


sir pentios sayng"hes s very hot" GOT ME DOWN BAD


Here’s and idea hasbin hotel angels react to Netflix Lucifer


Sera saying hes hot and strong got me 😈😏


Pls do Iron Man


He’s far stronger then you Sera and you lost that right to judge when you Authorized genocide on a race of demons derived from human souls  out of fear of  a uprising except these poor souls can’t even  enter heaven or travel to the other rings

Currently he’s bound to a human right now


Sera Zarathos is going to have lots of fun judging you and the other exorcists including Lute




Please do iron man pretty please


Please The Seven  react  in Iron Man


Can they react to Helldivers2?


Odd request but do you think you could have them react to doctor who, I think they'd find it odd someone can travel though time


Он в таком форме он бессмертный


Я первей


что за фонк в етом моменте 3:58