Modern journalist checking their work or using critical thinking skills..... ya right.
Anyone that takes "CNBS" seriously has a distorted vision of reality!
Sounds like CNBC is working for Blue Origin.
I can think of no reason why SpaceX would deliberately use mercury in a deluge system, or would it be a by-product of booster fuel combustion. Thus it is likely the reported value from SpaceX was likely a typo, and the CNBC reporter and editorial process was too quick to pull the trigger.
Sierra and ULA are a decade behind SpaceX. I hope they succeed because competition breeds innovation but they aren’t about to take over.
This is the first coherent treatment of both these news items I saw in the deluge of SpaceX-centric YT channels. Actual facts, and very reasonable interpretation. Well done!
If anyone takes anything that CNBC (CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Fox, XYZ) says seriously, or at least doesn't do their due diligence to test their claims and accusations, that's bad on them as CNBC's track record - just like the rest of the mainstream media - is consistently atrocious when it comes to accuracy and one-way bias in their reporting. Thank you for your due diligence and accurate reporting and it's why I'm a loyal subscriber and supporter of your work.
One correction: there are 3 human rated American rockets. You’re forgetting SLS.
Comment to Sierra, get engineers and start building a rocket like the Falcon, reusable! But, use SpaceX to get Dream Chaser in orbit, NOW! We need a transporter to the ISS for crew missions.
Wow, Sierra Space to buy ULA ? WHAT A GREAT IDEA !!! This would be a real plus for Sierra and Dream Chaser ; however, the launch of Dream Chaser is not imminent, and the launch of Dream Chaser carrying an Astronaut is a long way off. But I certainly hope Sierra can go ahead with buying ULA, and this would advance Sierra !
Absolutely no way Sierra would do this. All this would do is put Sierra about 15 years behind SpaceX. The main issue Sierra is having is retaining engineering staff. SpaceX and Blue Origin have poached about 1/3 of ULA engineers. With this news you would see the departure of any young or experienced engineers worth their salt. There is no way financially this would benefit Sierra. What, spend billions to launch 1 time? They need to engineer a reusable rocket. The remaining stock of rockets ULA has are set aside for the Government. With the Government being their main customer this entire exercise is just good business. As for the SpaceX story, CNCB lied and will continue to lie as the current regime pressures them. The government and the media are out to take down Elon so they can take over the entire SpaceX and StarLink system as a complete surveillance system.
People expect “journalists” to do journalism? Cute.
SpaceX rocks!
Every time I hear "Blue Origin" I always default to thinking of it as "Blue Cosmos" from Gundam SEED.
Anytime you disturb the soil, you release mercury it’s naturally occurring in just simple earth material. It comes out into the environment after excavations. It was always there. Just encapsulated in soil.
Having a stockpile of rockets no longer in production is like an oil company having a stockpile of crude oil and zero oil extraction operations.
I worked for SNC several years ago, and it was the best job I ever had in my career. Unfortunately, back then, OBama got re-elected and cut budget by trillions of USD, and all “green field” technology projects were cancel’d at that time, and 90% of the contractors at my location were promptly, and understandibly, let go. I miss working at SNC. It truly is one of those companies anyone should want to work for, even for their career’s duration.
Reporters, News and Investigative Journalism are not what they used to be.
CNBC and old media dislikes Musk