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And if your Sunbracers roll is currently worse than this one, go git it, no reason not to - still a rock solid Exotic for PVE


Xur is selling Skyburner’s and its catalyst, I respect the hustle


Assassin’s cowl is typically unlocked from completing Shadow keep, so grab it if you don’t have it


The amount of exotic engrams I’ve focused or lost sectors I’ve farmed trying to get a good Sunbracers roll. Thank Golly for Xur


Sleeper pick with Skyburner's for PvP. Hellion, Celestial Fire, Skyburner's Oath, and Dawn Chorus make for a truly disgusting amount of damage-boosted Scorch on a regular basis that also grants melee energy, and can easily convert to Ignitions or supremely powerful health regen denial and DoTs. You can also run it with Incendiary grenades for even more Ignitions, and with the artifact getting a mod that increases Ignition AoE and damage next week it might be worth looking into.


Xur finally sells a Titan/Warlock exotic piece with low mobility, but it’s one of the few I already have a good roll for. Please Xur, stop trying to sell me +10 mobility exotics


“Too much mobility “ you’re just afraid of the flying ape titans moving at Mach 5


Warlocks: Too much mobility 
Titans: Too much mobility 
Hunters: Not enough mobility


Titans can’t seem to catch a break 😬


"Too much Mobility." You know the rules (and so do I) --- Drink.


A guide that was quick and to the point? Loved it. Subbing


Give skyburners hipfire tracking back bungie.


I watch this at 2x speed. So for me this is xur in 30sec. Well done Fallout.


Skyburners is pretty fun with song of flame active, only takes a couple hipfire shots to ignite. Not op or anything, just a fun thing to try for strikes or whatever


I know im never gonna buy anything Xur is offering unless i just wanna gamble, but im still gonna watch every Xur in 1 Minute video anyways


Reminder, Xur lives at the tower now 🤣




Xur needs to step it up especially in our 3 weeks of nothing sessions


Finally I'll have the skyburner's oath caty.


I'm glad that Fallout manages to ask me for my like and comment in such a short video, I just have no idea how he knows that I'm a sub.....