
your sound design goes crazzyy bro, you've got actual talent fr!




Once I got a notification that you posted again, I instantly went to your channel on the living room tv and now Me, and my Great Grandma are watching you right now πŸ”₯


You gotta make more of these, honestly they’re so fun to binge while eating bro.πŸ€žπŸ™ Keep it up man.


You're really interesting and calming to listen to and your music choices are peak. Keep going King.


Keep the berserk videos coming they are my favorite out out all the anime you’ve coveredπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ


this the typa content i like to see to start the weekend 😎


Ty so much for making these type of content, your just one of those creators that’s really small but makes the best content. 


This man Guts really has no sneak skill he had to take out half a castle to make his getaway. All he had to do was use a bow or crossbow to hit dude then make his escape quickly and quietly


Its deadass my birthday rn. Thank you so much for this amazing gift man. I appreciate you.


I freakin love this berserk review series, can't wait till the next video. πŸ™


another video from the best commentator on yt πŸ™


keep this going gang πŸ™πŸ™




I’m happy as heck that you Youngins growing up with Berserk like I got too! Keep up the good work young blood. πŸ’ͺ🏼


Waiting for you to drop feels so long man, love all your videos keep it up brother πŸ’ͺ🏽


Truly underrated channel


yt vids be goin crazy had to watch berserk myself since this anime too good excited to see the next yt vids in the future


this is the first channel that goes in the detail that i’m looking for, please continue and finish covering all of berserk pls πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


FINALLY NEW VID your content is very good keep it up you are talented with the stuff your doing fasho