
omg anyone else hear that loud noise at 1:42 ?!?! it jumpscared meee


Right now I should be preparing for classes on anti-corruption policy and municipal law, but I'm glad I haven't started yet) In my free time, I'm learning English. It's very joyful to see my progress when I can already understand at least 50% in a foreign language. It's particularly interesting to observe the lives of people of roughly the same age as you in another country. I'll use your videos to practice listening comprehension in English and learn new words☺


i found your channel from a study video and now i love it! your so cutee


omg I love your videos they're so fun to watch! ur room is so cute 😋 room tour video when?? ♥


The sweater in the beginning was so cute! Where did you get it from?


omg i love your videos so much and i have my exams coming up starting from 3rd may  i learned so many study tips im so glad you popped up on my fyp


I randomly found out ur channel... & Noww I'm obsessed..! Literally u r soo gudd 💗💗


that hoodie is TO DIE FOR OMG where did u get ut




✨Transitionnnn !! xD


First❤❤ Pin plssss❤❤