
Glacier sure does provide lots of opportunities for epic shots! Some of your best 360 in this one.


Way to go MacMuscles! EPIC.


Yay! My favourite park vlogger on my favourite trail in my favourite park! I would agree that taking The Loop trail down isn't bad, it just sucks. It's long, exposed, dusty, and you're doing it at the end of the Highline Trail when you're already tired and done. The first time we did it, we actually RAN down the trail because we were so afraid of missing the shuttle 😆 Now after doing it a couple times, I think I would actually just hike the Highline Trail back to Logan Pass... It would still be long, but not as onerous and then you get to look at Logan Pass in the light, instead of the morning shadow. Anyway, I'm so glad that you gave Glacier another chance and it finally turned out for you!


So happy that you got to experience those views with no smoke! :))


What an AMAZING video! The girls and I were glued to the screen as you were talking about whether to retrace your steps or go forward. When you were speaking, we thought you were going to retrace your steps, which we were surprised by based on what we modestly know of you, and then when you said you were heading forward, we all cheered LOL....and just making it in classic America's Parks form <3 

Glacier is so beautiful. We went to the start of the Highline Traol to see the view. We sat down and had a Mountain Goat relaxing over our shoulders. There, my oldest daughter Kaylee shared with me a surprise she had been holding in her heart for a couple of years. She would name her first born "Charlie," which my maternal Grandfather called me. He was so dear to me. My best friend, really. Knowing how special that was to me, her little heart came up with that idea and wanted to share it with me at a beautiful place in Glacier <3 Lots of happy tears that day
Thank you, as always, for sharing and inspiring. Much love, my friend <3


Thank you Randy, I always enjoy watching all your very interesting and beautiful outdoor adventures.. God Bless you, your family and your excellent channel.... Robin


Lol! So glad you caught a shuttle back! Such a beautiful hike, and so peaceful, thank you for sharing! Look forward to your next one.


Wow, you captured some great footage! Well done! I've never wanted to visit this park more than I do after watching this.


We loved that trail but wow it was hard getting to the loop with including the overlook! Great video. I love reliving our journeys through your eyes.We did the loop and must say I wish I retraced our steps. Not so much because of the decline but more because the views are mediocre. Retracing steps is never bad. You get to see the same stuff but in reverse perspective.


Another spectacular video Randy.   This is one of my two favorite hikes ever, so beautiful.  I did it with 2 close church friends back in rhe 90's, i still have video from a VHS-C camera but sure wish we had had digital like we do now.   At that time we didnt know about the Grinnell Glacier Overlook although we saw where it split off, we missed out.   We did the loop and when we got to the road we found some folks in a pickup and we got to ride in the back up to Logan Pass.    Thanks for sharing, brings back good memories.


Beautiful Park! This one is definitely high on mine and Rachel's list. Crazy views on that trail!


SPECTACULAR VIDEO!!  You did this hike justice! I did this hike on July 25th 2022- it was epic! I didn’t do the glacier trail, due to some health issues, but did I do the loop. When I got to Logan pass, there was a notification that there was an unscheduled cancellation of shuttle service that day. I and many others that I met along the trail were undeterred and opted to hitchhike back to Logan pass. Surprisingly, there weren’t very many people willing to give a ride to the dozens of us. fortunately, I realized that hobbling back to Logan pass was the best way to get a ride, and one of my new found trail friends who had waited for almost an hour for someone to give him a ride, managed to catch a break. He saw me and asked the driver if he could pick me up, and later yet another guy we met on the trail. THANKS FRIENDS! I was happy to get to my truck, he was able to go retrieve his family, and I was able to give a ride to other hikers on my way out. Glacier National Park is proof of the glory of GOD!


I love this hike! I did this July of 2019. Would do this in a heartbeat again.


NIce!  My wife and I did the Highline this past June (and the Grinnell overlook).  We ended up backtracking once we got to the chalet - where we witnessed a marmot being chased out of a room and dive bombing off the top deck right next to where we were eating lunch, lol.  Absolutely fantastic hike and great memory!


Nice!  Did this August 2023 on an 88 degree day. Never imagined it got that hot in Montana! Beautiful from Logan Pass to the Stone Chalet with mountain views the whole way. No free water at the chalet, I purchased 3 liters ($11.50 per liter!) for my son; he was out and dehydrated. Never question a father’s love… .  The loop trail going behind the chalet to the shuttle is 4 miles itself,  and not the most scenic and exposed to the Sun 🌞 due to a forest fire years ago. Also known as “Bear Alley”.  Never saw any. 🐻 If you have the clock and stamina , do the out and back version for the better views. The Grinnell Glacier Overlook Spur Trail is a must do, and it lives up to the reputation of a beast of an incline. Correction to your video:  That’s a .6 mile on the sign, not .8 ( the metric equivalent on the sign is 1KM = .621 mile) , but it feels much longer due to the incline ( I was told 900 feet of vert ) and lots of loose scree and exposure.  Worth it!  Thanks for taking us back to this iconic trail!  Bonus Info:  Be sure and bag the short Hidden Lake Trail behind the Logan Pass Visitor Center. 3 miles round trip, beautiful view of Bearhat Mountain and Hidden Lake, with lots of goats 🐐


What a beautiful trail! I bet the hiking poles were quite helpful! Those 360 views on the Highline Trail (cliff) were incredible looking! Great video, Randy!


Great video highlighting the trail. The trails from Logan pass are amazing.


It wouldn't be memorable without a little adventure!  What beautiful country!  Hoping to make it to Glacier in a few years Lord willing.


THat 360 cam view of the ledge makes it look worse than what I imagine it is. Great viewers of the glacier from this spur trail. Glad you pushed through all the tough parts and did it! Hahaha, glad you got that shuttle!


Love the 360 camera views at the top. Walking along that steep cliff was pretty sweet too. Glad you caught a shuttle at the end! 😂