
i like the fact they didn't remove the chaos snap,so it gives the impression that sonic is so fast its like he teleports to attack enemies


Classic Sonic has learned how to boost,homing attack, and chao control!!!! AWSOME!!!!!


They couldve used the Classic Sonic Model from superstars. Like they did for base gens in Sonic X Shadow Gens


I’m pretty sure we have some absolute chads somewhere out there working on importing Sonic’s moveset from frontiers into SXSG, including a working super Sonic too. And vice versa, with them adding shadow’s SXSG moveset into Frontiers.


Sonic learned chaos snap


Finally, we have Sonic Generations! I was waiting for this experience!


I wouldn’t mind if they remade sonic generations to play like this rather than the old boost formula. They did it right in shadow generations


The canon Sonic Forces? Well


Hmm Nice Classic Sonic are getting Learning of Skills Like Sonic Was in the Past or Future, He will Grown, Stronger!


Basically, if Sonic had the same powers as Shadow.


I feel the model for the doom morph for this mod could be replaced by something like one of Sonic's wisp power forms like the drill wisp. The Drill Wisp I feel fits the most 'cuz it's kinda like he's moving along the ground almost like he's drilling under it and like we're seeing him doing it like it does in Sonic Colors. And, although unlike shown in Sonic Colors, the drill wisp form IS shown to be able to leap out of the ground temporarily without Sonic detransforming like we see in Sonic Lost World, so it would still fit the aesthetic of the Doom Morph jumping up out of the ground and moving around. It slingshoting on little dark balls, though, is obviously where the powers differ, of course. Unless maybe like you like switched the dark balls in for Wisp capsules with Drill Wisp inside, so it's like every time he hones in on one it's as if he's refilling the Drill Wisp power gauge... and for some reason, he just happens to have the capability of swinging off them to reach higher ground. So, bringing the total of Wisp Powers on Sonic Generations up to three, Modern Sonic would have the Rocket Wisp, Classic Sonic the Spike Wisp, and the both of them having the Drill Wisp.


I think this mod is also a reminder that Sonic actually used Chaos Control with a fake yellow Chaos Emerald in SA2, which was AWESOME


This is what I wanted to see in the game


Would be cool to see classic Sonic do the Super peel out when boosting


Listen tbh, this is perfect. The only downside is the quills in the falling and rail animations, other than that ITS PERFECT 👌👌


Ah, yes. Sonic Generations 2.


These are great mods.


Sonic if he locked tf in


Modern sonic looks weird with those long ass legs