Thanks for putting together all the work to keep this channel going. It's a joy to get some bite size info on exoplanet search techniques and on the planets themselves.
Just keep being a cool teacher and telling us interesting stuff about exo planets! :D Thank you so much for your dedication and your hard work!
You deserve it, congratulations and keep it going! Great channel
Just find a transit of Proxima B and tell us if it has an atmosphere! We're all so excited about the discovery of this planet! Haven't been able to sleep for two nights!
Wow this is wildly different now
You are amazing, for people like me from Pakistan-Afghanistan we dont have any educational centers where we can learn what you learn.. so your channel is helping people like me who like to learn more about Universe/Astrophysics and much more.. there are tons of questions that i need to ask.. you think you can answer couple of questions if i post them here ? thank you
Keep it up there will be more zeros soon.
Awesome! I have an idea! Why don't you show some fun fact about some exoplanet or type of exoplanet in a video every week or month? And maybe try to explain what will determ how a planet will look like. If you want to check out some channels that do science videos I recommend Deep Sky Videos and Crash Course Astronomy.
Congratulations! I love the channel . Please try to stay away from politics though ,just some advice.
About 1000 people have seen this video. That’s insane