
YouTube has been messy with my video title and description.
Did everything but it was removed without my noticing. I redid and corrected.


Can we talk about how when you beat both the siblings, they have a moment where they’re eyes lose their shine and they look a little unhinged? Carmine isn’t so noticeable but it’s there. She doesn’t let this get to her but Kieran breaks and it’s shown after he finds out that his eyes loses that little white shine a lot more often. His character development is insane. When he says “liar! You’re a LIAR” you can hear a break noise in the background. That is the exact moment that kid cracks under all this pressure. And that crack definitely is present in his last battle. When he grips his pokeball and holds it up to his face, he looks completely unhinged. No mercy. This kid is gonna be one heck of a problem in part 2.


I like how Kieran’s battle theme has part of the Unova trainer battle theme in it. As he comes from the school in Unova


I have never seen a rival become more rightfully pissed than Kieran,  you show up and in just 3 days you become the town favorite, Gaslight him, one-sidedly defeat him multiple times, have his big sister develop a crush on you causing a separation and also obtain the one Pokémon he wanted in the entire world as he sees it be as happy as can be with you.


Please note this detail:

While Carmine theme battle remains the same since the beginning, Kieran, in the other side has a more ‘villainesque’ theme. The piano is much harder, and the notes are much deeper and distorted.

Briar, in her encounter theme has this particular detail too, distorted notes and some deep piano.

I think he’s gonna be a center point in the Blueberry Academy, being the Champion of the League/The most stronger trainer.

It’s his desire.


19:08 this legitimately scares me. The picture is slowly getting distorted, like he is going crazy.

And the craziest part, is that the same distorsion appears at the start of each loyal three battle...


These two had solid arcs in Teal Mask and I can’t wait to see both of them in Indigo Disk. I’m genuinely excited to see Carmine at Blueberry Academy, and I can’t wait to go toe-to-toe with a souped-up Kieran


I love how Carmine starts out as a jerk who becomes more friendly towards the end, while Kieran starts out as a shy boy who slowly becomes emotionally unhinged.


Jealousy is a scary thing...I'm worried for Kieran


> Be Kieran
> Be autistic little guy (compliment) on your small town folklore and identify with the villain
> School trip with foreign academy happens
> the new kid seems cool at first, but it turns out that they was conspiring with your sister to hide the monster, who was real all long, from you
> Get butthurt at first, but then get over it
> Convice your hometown that the monster from the legend is actually good and your waifu
> Somehow the towns agrees and welcome her
> Your waifu still prefers the new kid over you
> Challenge the new kid to a battle in front of your monster waifu to win her heart
> Lose
> It's all Ogre now
 (alternatively it’s Overpon)
Being Kieran is sufferring


I love how Kieran looks suspicious-looking in his official artwork, but in his in-game model he looks cute and innocent-looking.


8:07 Dont mind me, I am just here to see a certain chicken dance


I like how Kieran’s animations are different in the final battle with him


i related to kieran a lot as an autistic person... the outbursts, the fixation on the ogre, not knowing how to express his emotions correctly so he just separates himself from everyone, carmine saying she doesn't know what she's gonna do with him or why he acts this way, being afraid of speaking to people, becoming easily very attached to someone, etc... it all hit very close to home


I wonder if Kieran will have a Redemption arc in Indigo Disk. 

And yes, Carmine really needs to apologize to him.


Carmine is unhinged and I love it.


I 💯% love Carmine character she’s so unhinged and total unique from a lot of rivals we’ve seen in the time pass

Kieran was an absolute well written character, from shy to villain because of his obsession over us


A vid on how we drive Kieran mad.
He started off friendly but it's clear he resents us and his sister now.


Kieran is pretty scary if you think about it


good to know I'm not the only one who named my garchomp ‘volo’