
Thanks Coolguy for doing the video despite just having gone through surgery!  You're a trooper man!


Everyone wish coolguy a speedy recovery


I saw that Hawkmoon and I could hear Byf's words in my head
"Hawkmoon has a roll that I'd grip firmly with its two grips and throw into the sun."


Most important thing is that CoolGuy sounds like he's good! 🙏


Crucible is dying, Bungie is falling apart. We must return to Gambit


Sweet of you to let coolguy do one.  I really hope everything gets figured and sorted out for that man, he has alot on his plate.

Peace & take care


1:03 fallout is slipping


PVP-PTSD is an amazing line. 🤣🤣


I didn't know how much I needed a Coolguy version of this


Anytime I see Lord of Wolves it kicks my fight or flight reflex. Before it was because of the monster it once was, but now it's because anyone who currently uses it is the real monster.


Most important things this week are the escalation protocol armor.


Man, CoolGuy. You really are God's strongest soldier. I hope you have a swift recovery!


I love these collab Xur videos so much!!


Just finished watching Coolguy's review of Breachlight so hearing him here threw me off for a sec. Thought another one of his videos started autoplaying in a different tab.


I love hearing everyone's takes on FPs Xur videos.


Nice to know that the best DPS weapon is being sold this week 😌


We love coolguy


Love these videos. Well-scripted and to the point.


Finally, a way to get the Mida catalyst after all these years lol


Jumping the love train for CoolGuy!!

…oh and FalloutPlays is neat too!