
Let's go! Love these exercises. It's when I go with the 1st answer that comes to mind and don't allow the doubt to sway me that I am correct.


YES!I picked C, then I faced North to do the sway test. The sway confirmed C. Thank you for these exercises. I love them!!!❤❤❤ Many blessings to you!


Did you choose correctly? If so, how did you perceive it? Let me know. 😊🙏✨


Yesss! I always get this exercise right. Still working on the others tho ☺️


I got it immediately. I just knew, my eyes were stuck to it ❤


Yeah i picked the right one c 😊👍👍👍👍


I wuz righttttt


I feel C...♡


C, I felt the ithers were more colorful and C was slightly muted.


I have chosen each of these exercises correctly, 100% of the time so far!!
The other exercises I am not good at, so I am wondering what this means?! My intuition is working well??? I’m so curious!!!!


Me AND my pendulum were both wrong. Sadly. I'm no good at this obviously. I was focused heavily on the A picture BUT I FELT strongly about the B picture. C and D i didn't feel AT ALL and my pendulum said no to A, C and D. However, it said yes to picture B so thought for sure it had to be A or B. I was horribly wrong. Really bad lol! You know, there are tons of tarot and psychic channels here on YouTube and I'm really curious to see how many if any readers at all from YouTube "tarot and psychic land" can pass any of these/get any of these right at all. 🤔🤷 If they can't then that tells me all of their supposed clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities that they claim to have are a complete lie, false and all a sham. I'm serious. I really want these YouTube supposed psychic mediums who claim to have all of these clair abilities to prove to all of the world that they can pass all of these tests. I know one psychic medium detective who can pass all of these and he's not a YouTube tarot card reader. He actually helps solve crimes, he's worked with police and still continues to do so. He's been on the News📺 and he's been one of the psychic mediums at the Edgar Cayce Center. He helps to track and find missing animals, missing people, he can predict things etc. So far, he's the only one I've ever met who's the real deal. I really really want YouTube tarot reading psychics to show all of us that they can pass all of these because if they actually have all of the real clair abilities that they claim to have, they won't have any trouble whatsoever passing every single one of these. 🤔💭 👁️🔮👁️🔮👁️🔮 I'm just getting really sick of the tarot card readers on YouTube calling themselves real psychic mediums when they're not. Yes, there are some real ones but not aaaallll of them. So..... they need to take all of these tests. I think the fakes should be banned from YouTube and other places because so many victims and survivors of severe & horrible abuse and traumas are constantly turning to the YouTube "tarot land" (supposed) psychics and i actually think they are causing more serious harm & damage/damages to people. They're even actually adding to PTSD problems as well as severe mental anguish, mental disress, severe upset, paranoia, schizophrenia and much much more. A girl just snapped a couple of days ago on a live stream because she believes what all of the tarot reads are saying. The cops had to get her out of the motel she was staying in. It was a really really bad episode 😢 I've also been watching people completely decline and they believe everyone around them are actually only around to stalk them and only them. They believe planes and helicopters only fly over to watch and stalk them. They've been making videos and recording people who are actually minding their own business but they believe they're being gangstalked. They're not at all. Yes. Some people are experiencing stalking because of their abusers who will not let well enough alone but what they're saying about everyone around them being sent to stalk, just isn't true. Tarot readings are making things worse for people and that's including some tarot readers themselves. I started watching certain channels because i enjoyed the fun videos, fun personality of the content creators but over the last 2 to 3 years, ive sadly watched the slow decline of so many of these "tarot land" people. I know that many of us have looked at tarot readings for answers after abuse and I know that many of the tarot channel creators are abuse victims/survivors themselves. Tarot is making people worse instead of better. These tarot readers keep calling themselves "Healers" but they're not healers. They're not even healing themselves. They're constantly making everyone and themselves worse. If someone who claims they're a psychic medium has never actually helped to solve a crime, cold cases, find missing people or animals etc., I highly suggest you stay away from watching them and yes this includes me. I went through trauma, abuse, mistreatment, neglect and much more and tarot land on YouTube actually made me worse. Quite honestly, i could sue these people and YouTube. I have a perfect case. Other people have sued platforms for mental anguish and disress and they won. Victims families of people who snapped all because of social media sued platforms and content crew and they successful won, rightfully so! Because if the content wouldn't have been allowed in the first place, the attacker who snapped and hurt people might not have actually gone that far to snap on victims. People need to take this seriously and platforms like YouTube Facebook and the rest really need to block, ban and remove certain types of content for public safety. I am legitimately concerned for the public's safety and I'm even concerned for the safe of the tarot readers because like I said, I've watched tarot readers go from completely normal and doing very well in life to completely losing everything, including their minds and ending up homeless, living outside and/or in their vehicles. A lot more bad is coming out of YouTube tarot land than good. The negative completely outweighs the positive. It's really bad and lawsuits are coming. These platforms have got to take some kind of accountability for the content they're allowing on it and I know They see the same problems im seeing. They can drag their feet if they want when it comes to blocking certain content but they're gonna Have to pay out a whole lot of legal fees plus these stories will be going public at some point in the future. It's bad news and bad for the public. It's terribly unhealthy for victims/survivors of horrific and traumatic life experiences. I hope class action lawsuits take place and everyone who suffered extra trauma due to YouTube tarot reading videos win their cases. Victims deserve legal justice. ⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️