
Looks good! but I miss carl


0:14 dude just reminded me of the pufferfish eating a carrot video 😂


Game looks good I haven’t played sniper elite since sniper elite v2 remake




bonjour merci de cette présentation de ce jeux en vidéo bravo pour votre travail et merci pour le partage vidéo cordialement


the main character looks like npc


looks good


This doesnt look like a new game. Just some new maps for the SE5...


disappointed again that they did not bring  back the cable mines, my favourite defense strategy.


looks like an awesome game


It's like V1 V2 V3 V4 V5


Dang that was a short level


There is nothing different, the same thing as the others.


Is this the platinum walkthrough?
Means every loot and trophy


In the history operation destroy dam by RAF


just imagine him as jason statham with hair then everything will be all right


i just want the AI having more intelligent when it is alarmed. If not, it is the same with v5


This game for pc and playstation plz tel me


They still done nothing about character movement . Just another lazy re skin