
sonic generation ending: JOY, SUNSHINE, BIRTHDAY
shadow generation ending: TEARS AND PAIN


4:26 Shadow's Doom Powers have reached a state of power similar to Super State, in which they will gradually drain Rings per two seconds. Maximize their potential and put an end to Black Doom once and for all!


After this ending

Now i understand why Shadow was just Seeing there ...Alone 
In Sonic's birthday party


I love how Shadow is fighting his inner demons while Sonic is having another grand ol adventure on his birthday


11:09 i like the ending and everything, but that really funny levitating "sunset heights" text honestly breaks immersion in the most awkward way ever


Crazy to see how much better this final boss is compared to Time Eater.


Shadow: Overcomes the destructive anger the doom influence gave him and made that power his own thanks to Maria's and Gerald's words of love, overflowing with chaos energy before the final battle even though he has the limiter rings on and only 1 chaos emeralds, meaning he wont collapse 5 mins later and that he can produce chaos energy more effectively than before, by controlling said anger, in a pseudo super state that relies on no other source but himself, becoming what he was always meant to: The Ultimate Lifeform

People in the comments: WheRe SuPEr fOrm tho?????!?!?ยก?!?ยก?ยก? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Man, I really love the cinematography used for both parts of the final boss, plus the first and second phase of this boss fight's OST are straight up fire!


Just like how Green Hills is associated with Sonic, Shadow is associated with Radical Highway


The ending made me cry damn this hit so hard ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


damn shadow really pulled himself together at the end


Bro could not wait for the game to drop ๐Ÿ’€


Black Doom was predestined for failure from the start.
He needed Shadow to make himself stronger, just to increase his own strength because he couldn't do it himself.
Shadow is truly beyond him.


4:02 Now the REAL battle begins!!!


He doesn't even take this as challenge, beat the shit out of him without super form


11:16 - Is that the first time Sega have ever allowed a sonic character to cry actual tears?


It was the perfect oportunity to drop "Never turn back"


I was waiting for "all of me" still, it sounds cool.


Sonic during this time: (Happily running through rooftop run, spinning and jumping around and making his way to Planet Wisp)

Meanwhile Shadow:


I honestly expected him to say, "This is who I am!" at 7:26