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Oliver is just an excuse to buy this train.  Dad wants the train.  So obvious.


That little kid has some cool parents! Next project, build a mile worth of tracks to go around the property!


Good job guys,


You two are certifiably crazy and Oliver is so blessed to have you as parents.  Sanity is way overrated and not much fun. Thanks for great video. Merry Christmas!


Oliver will for sure be spoiled. And that is a good thing.


Hello from the Netherlands AS-Family .

well now you know what you have to do this winter Riley, 
spend the whole winter in the workshop building more rails so that you can drive laps around your workshop, 
replace all the lights for LEDs because they require less power, so more power for the motor, 
plus Make / lubricate the 2nd engine, 
make the yellow train wagon.
well Courtney doesn't have a child on you this winter, you can keep yourself busy now in the workshop 🤣🤣

New video in 2024 : the workshop train 😂 .

thanks for the video Courtney and Riley .  
Kind regards, Hollandduck


I love how Riley's parents were not at all surprised by having a train in their driveway. Obviously this isn't their first time being surprised by Riley's randomness :)


First video I have had a huge grin the entire time. My inner child is happy.


I’m only a minute in and I’m like…you need to find or make another couple miles of track and install this thing on the property!!
Now I’m
Through the video, OMG you guys are awesome! Oliver is going to have the best childhood!!


If Riley’ smile is not the definition of “Like a kid at Christmas” I don’t know what is. An old town scene made from reclaimed wood needs to be built. Would be a great place to also store the train.


OF COURSE, Riley’s mom and dad still have the radio flyer handy for just such an occasion.


Привет из России.очень радовались вместе с вами. Вашему ребенку повезло с родителями.Следим за вашими успехами, по строительству. МолодцыБлагодаря вам, я понимаю, что не такие мы и разные. With love from Russia.


Riley was later seen powering up the track with the welder and riding his new bullet train!!!!😂


Courtney and Riley and Oliver ...Your joy, happiness, and enthusiasm is overwhelming.  There are tears of joy in my eyes watching you two play with your train.  Thank you so much for the past year and for this wonderful Christmas video.  love bill


The best part of having kids: You get to play with their toys!


My daughter turned 16 this week,  don't be in too much of a hurry to see your son grow up because trust me it happens in the blink of an eye.....Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you guys 🎄from British Columbia


Who else can see a forest track and a battery powered train in the future


It's official, Oliver has the cutest smile EVER!! Also Riley is the coolest Dad EVER!!


Your child has the best parents EVER !!!