
Housing is a basic necessity and SHOULD not be for profit. This world/system is so full of greed and corruption!


There’s a hidden gem. The Pocono mountains Pennsylvania.
There’s more to do than anywhere in the country .
Indoor water parks outdoor water parks, dozens of golf courses, PGA certified ski resorts, lakes, beaches, paintball excellent restaurants, theater 
Cultural centers 
And the weather is perfect .
When you see all the tornadoes and hurricanes all the rainfall in the Midwest in the south in the west coast, the fires Pennsylvania ranks, especially the Pocono mountains in the top five and the real estate pricing is excellent .
There’s a reason why entertainment corporations are pumping in billions of dollars in the Pocono mountains Pennsylvania


This should be against the law.  Only residents that occupy the home should be legal so we can work on returning the American dream.


Thanks for your channel, I have learned much from it.


Newark does not have a lot of distressed houses sister! As a guy who bought over 500 houses in 20 years mostly in newark I can tell you inventory is low here also!


Yes they are.  And states that permit this, such as Florida which made that change in 2018, has rapidly seen orange groves sold and housing placed, as well as homes being bought and flipped by corporations.  Now the average low end home price has jumped to 250k, but corporate investors are underballing homes for under 100k to flip, with harsh conditions ensuring you are pressured into the deal.


New Jersey is coastal. They get hit the hardest and the north east.
Pennsylvania virtually is untouched


Most of these real estate channels are kind of been wrong for years. I think it’s going in a different direction than 2008. You will own nothing and be happier. That’s what they sold. Us. Companies will buy up a majority of the homes where people will have to rent. The US will be over half renters. We’re at 33% now. This will destroy the American dream we have limited homes in the US people do not want to sell. Also we have a mass influx of people coming into the country among other things you’re gonna see high prices for a while.


I've heard you talk about not buying houses near water. Do you have the same opinion of houses built on steep slopes?


I have agent once .... and she took the seller side instead of look for my interest.


I was doing some math in regards to house values and salary.  Basically it boils down to if we moved and got a new home, we'd be right back where we were with salary and house value like in 2002.  Rough math.  Doesn't account for savings, profit from selling house, etc. 

seems a little messed up


Hi Jackie I never make it to the live video, but I love your channel!  To our shock, my daughter won the bid on a one bedroom condo in Stanhope, NJ for 226,000. She’s putting 70,000 down.Her  salary ranges from 80,000 to 100,000 a year. All of the realty  videos though are starting to be a little scary. I thought she did great, she can afford the mortgage without a refinance but will certainly do so if rates drop. She closes in June. Should she not have bought?  If investors are still buying isn’t the market going to stay expensive? Thanks!


So if you look at rentals and the date of purchase you’ll find some interesting things. I’ve seen a couple homes go for rent almost immediately after being sold. In the Orange County area. They are going for rent far less than what someone would pay for a traditional mortgage rate.


I love hearing the word “house.” They are not always homes.


How do you call it greedy. Do you turn down the money from youtube or commission for sales? Renting on vrbo is a lot of work and planning. People leave us great reviews. Why shouldn't my labor be rewarded with compensation? Clearly, our repeat customers do not feel it's greedy. A corporation is just people limiting their risk to legal action.


Theyre buying up to resell once the interest rates fall.


Could you please talk a little more about Airbnb?  Thank you!


Chinese investors owe about 33% of the residential properties in Vancouver BC and drove the prices of an average home up to over a million plus Canadian dollars.


He means San Diego. San Francisco is a two-day drive north from the border. What about LA? He talks like someone unfamiliar with CA.


From what I've seen the last 20 years- they've never stopped 🤷