
Gotta totally love a drummer who can kill the beats as well as the buffet.


I love how the crowd got bigger and bigger…. THAT IS A SURE SIGN….. that you are doing something right 👍…. Good job dark insanity… now get out and conquer the world


Its so funny hearing the dichotomy of Wyatt's deadpan speaking voice in his usual videos and his singing in Dark Insanity


Dark insanity must headline wacken!


I was there, it was incredible! Great show! Good to meet you guys!


Ayyyy. Thats my lil bro on the drums. 🤟🏽


Loved the sound, the voice, and especially the drums!!! Rock on to the Saviour of Metal!!!


I have never considered super-extreme metal to be my cup of tea, but these are TRES bitchin’ songs! Very juicy beats and rhythm changes!


you guys sound great and the recording sounds cleannn


dude Fractured Perception is so good i love the begining


this is awesome good vocals


Love the local show energy this has. By the way your high screams are sick


Fucking great! Hope you guys can hit Norway one day!


Bro a festival with a stage on a beach is awesome!!


Love how the crowd got bigger 😮


The savior is actually killing it.  Nice Wyatt. Just wish those guitars were louder so we could hear the riffs


Def cool old school shit! Would have been cool to be there. I'll definitely do more festivals in the future, moving about 2000 km closer to where the action is.


This was pretty good I would have watched ngl


What?  No Free Bird?


Next stop bloodstock 2025 🤘🤘🤘