
Been watching Phantasm for a while and wasn't surprised that he already knew about you, he has great taste and you have exceptional talent 👍🏻


I subbed!! Great work!! ❤


Please please do another dentist exam!! You're amazing at ASMR, keep making videos📹  Literally the tingles for all of your videos are insaneeeee  🤪


Been here since the early days I love your vids


Love the asmr I’m so happy that Phantasm gave you a shout out and I hope your able to grow from this and be able to get more followers ❤❤❤❤❤


keep up the good work man i've been watching you for a while now and whenever i have trouble sleeping i always watch you and i'm gone in seconds. i hope your channel grows to where it deserves.


Exciting! Recently learned about phantasm and like his stuff, is so cool he mentioned you! I agree with everything he said :)


Ah you are the sweetest. I'm glad Phantasm promoterd you! And I ❤❤❤❤ your accent, too. I'm so curious what it is! You're almost to 1k!!


We're almost there! Almost at 1k! Keep going, ure doing a good job!


Wow, this one really perfect👏, very good job man, keep up that❤️


i remember when i came across your channel, but i forgot to hit subscribe and i searched for probably about an hour just to find your channel again and im so glad i did :))


can you please do a follow my instructions video? i love the soft spoken how you don’t whisper! i’d love to see one of those from your channel it would put me straight to sleep thanks! also keep up the videos they’re amazing!


Your ASMR content is amazing man! Keep up the great work!



