
Fun fact, I said Bose-Einstein Condensate 284 times during this video... did you catch them all? 
Massive thank you to Infleqtion for showing me around behind the scenes! Not a sponsored video, just thought this was awesome and I wanted to learn more.  
Channel and Patreon members 👉I'll be posting a little bit of further BTS scenes in the next couple of days 
Thanks to everyone for your support 🙏🙏


For worried fliers, passenger aircraft already have good IMU systems to back up GPS, just not ultra accurate quantum IMUs yet. Jammed or spoofed GPS is annoying to pilots, but not necessarily dangerous. If it wasn’t something they couldn’t safely handle passenger flights would be canceled in those areas.


I can't believe I've heard of laser cooling about a hundred times without hearing the term "Doppler cooling", which means I just ACTUALLY learned how it works, instead of just hearing it described to me.


The Condensate knows where it is by knowing where it isn't


ICBMs have always used Inertial Motion Units. That’s why early ICBMs had multi-megaton warheads because they were only accurate to within a few kilometers.


As a 767 airline pilot that was spoofed and jammed on 12 separate flights around Eastern Europe and the Middle East, recently. I was very happy to have our IRS (IMU) backup(old school cool). This is one of the best videos I've seen this year.


The fact that I, a relatively simple minded person,  not only understood every word used in this video. Fully grasped the fundamental concepts used to achieve the desired result in the experiment,  and ultimately understand how they work together to provide the desired results.  Well that just blows my mind.


We definitely need a follow up on this, because Sandia National labs have accomplished a miniaturized, ruggedized version of the same mechanism on a single 8mm piece of silicon, with 100,000x less sideband noise. This technology is moving INCREDIBLY rapidly.


This is almost like taking a ball of mercury and holding it in a "Center" placement via magnetics and calculating its position by its inertial displacement, but on a quantum level. Brilliant!


I just pocked the video out of curiosity and oh boy, such a good vulgarisation.
You have really struck the good balance between explaining  completely and simplifying to let people understand.
I see it as I worked a lot around IMUs , your video has it's approsimations, but it's definitely worth it.
Thanks a lot


GPS is also used for calibrating clocks. False GPS signals cause naive clocks show the wrong time. Causing havoc in many technical systems, including the Ukrainian electric grid, I've read, until they fixed this unnecessary vulnerability. Just jamming doesnt do it, but spoofing does. Simply resending a GPS signal, making it reach receivers later. No decryption needed.


"Fits in the palm of your hand" fits in the guidance system of a missile. Unjammable ammo is a gamechanger in a peer to peer combat scenario.


In scientific terms, this is called "that's insane bro"


It's amazing what videos you stumble upon on Youtube. This was incredible. I had no idea. I learned so much. We know a lot but every time there is some breakthrough it really shows actually we know very little in the grand scheme of things. Great video!


This is absolutely amazing!
I am no quantum physicist, but as an amateur engineer I feel much appreciation for the beauty of this design.


Do not be embarrassed by your mistakes. Nothing can teach us better than our understanding of them. This is one of the best ways of self-education.


Oh the tag line you use !!
Quantum has been so useful for so long now.
For example, all semiconductors, information storage and processing.


This was one of the coolest and most mind blowing videos I’ve seen in months. Thanks for your work, and a great production of video on the subject here.


Quantum physics genuinely feels like some form of arcane magic that uses the building blocks of reality itself. Science is so cool!!


@11:00 Fun fact for the viewers at home: Take your cellphone and bring up the camera app.  Then point your TV remote (or any IR remote control) and point it at the camera lens and look at your screen.  Your camera can see the near-infrared flashing LED, even though your eyes can't see it.  (I use this technique to see if my batteries need to be changed)