"Yah that hurt" "That's what you get for killing my father!" "I AM YOUR FATHER!!" best line ever! 😂😂😂
The moment Luke realizes Leia is his sister is incredible.
Legend has it that the pain Luke experienced when having his hand sliced off was only a fraction of the pain Star Wars fans experienced when watching the sequels.
"and leia is you're sister!" "oh no" sweet home Alabama music kicks in
The desert eagle is gonna become one of the most iconic things in Star wars history.
The fact that when Vader shot Luke his wound healed😂
Please never let this series die.
Obi-wan” Luke your farther wanted you to have this” Luke”what is it?” Obi-wan”it’s your fathers fire arm a weapon for a more civilised time” Luke bang bang bang bang
30 seconds of Vader here was more accurate to how evil he was than Disney's done in a decade
Imagine spending all that effort and not getting lots of recognition. You guys are underrated
1:36 Vader: LUKE LEIA ORGANA IS YOUR SISTER Luke: NO oh no (while realizing he kissed his sister)
I love how Luke’s reaction goes from no to oh no after finding out Leia is his sister 😂
I like how Obi-Wan flat out said “your old man here” to Luke and he’s denying Vader is his father
The ending literally represents Star Wars when it was bought by Disney.
1:55 Luke: that's not also my son is it...?
It seems Vader has fully recovered from that fall in the previous in part 35 And Vader is a terrible farther
Luckiest day of my life - I was sure that this series would be finished! But damn, what a nice follow up! Love every second of it, the hilarious Disney roast🔥, the iconic .50AE firing sound and how smooth Obi-Wan and Vader acted :-D Thank you so much :-)
Another Rey Skywalker movie? NOOOOOOOO
OMG. Darth Vader is a terrible father! he just shot his own son- with the same gun that his son shot him with -But still! I can only imagine how much time and effort went into the making of this video. Thanks Blunt bros, Your animations are totally boss!👍💛