the best netflix youtube tablet in the world 🔥🔥
That one-week time jump was a stellar dramatic device. I did not expect it in a review
Ever since i bought the 11 inch m2 ipad pro and the keyboard i have not needed my macbook. To me this is the perfect computer. Portable, good performance and does everything i need. On the topic of getting macOS on an ipad, if i would personally need macOS i would use a mac. To be honest i could even get by with the cheapest basic ipad with the new keyboard if i would not need the ability to for a larger display from time to time.
if you want "command + n" to open a new window, go to setting, safari, (with keyboard connected), scroll to tab, when using new keyboard shortcut, choose open window, the default is open tab
I’ll still choose a iPad over a Mac. When I boot up my Mac it just feels weird. I’m ok with apps over webpages. I just need Apple to make a Time Machine app to back up to an external hard drive
iPad can never replace a macbook but the person has to decide according to their work which best suits them…I personally have replaced my macbook with an iPad Air because I don’t have any high intensive work and I am loving my iPad
9:39 on iPad the shortcut is: option cmd N
If you want a MacBook, guess what, BUY a MacBook! 😂 I dont get these people who are always saying „ohh it’s just an ipad, it can’t replace my laptop“… Have you ever thought that’s by Design? I ordered an iPad and i expect (and want) an iPad! 😆
Great video. After watching several professional users who don’t use the keyboard for their work, I think it’s the keyboard that has confused so many YouTubers into believing the iPad should be a laptop replacement. The keyboard is useful but not necessary. The Pencil is necessary, so is the bright color accurate display, touch is necessary, even lidar and gyroscopes are. For many professionals who work on the iPad MacOS and even the keyboard are afterthoughts. Those are the people Apple is designing for. To all the others, Apple gave the Mac lineup
Hi Terren, Watched this video from recommendations, ur quality is insane and story telling is awesome, definitely will subscribe and will wait for new videos
I do get the M4 chip is really powerful and not practical now, but It's good to know 3-4 yrs later , it'll still be a really powerful device that can handle anything smoothly, making it futerproof. The M1 Ipad pro is much powerful than the tab S9 ultra and handle games and other stuff better, it's better in the long run if you do ask me, as I don't believe in upgrading every single yr.
I don't want my iPad to "replace" my Macbook, but the fact that I can use a build of final cut pro on it to do reasonable quick-edits by airdropping videos from my phone is great, but i'd want the 500GB-1TB model and thats as much as a macbook 😭😭😭
Very much looking forward to upgrading from the M1 iPad Pro to the 13” M4.
Hi Tarren, I always like your take on tech.
Love the warriors analogy!!
I get the price of the iPad but in the USA the carriers offer installment payment plans that are much easier than paying all at once.
i cant help but looking at your watch. So beautiful.
Swings and roundabouts with the colour. The white one does shows marks and dirt incredibly easily.
Two of your three quirks are app-related, not iPadOS related. On top of that, you missed the key combo in Safari to open a new window. Hold down the command key to see the relevant shortcuts for every app, which is command-option-N to open a new window in Safari.