The bottles are so beautiful. Like Perfume bottles. Your art is beautiful.
I loved this video so much! Thank you for sharing it and for the beautiful flowers you made they’re so precious. Love it. ❤
Absolutely delightful way to display your blue inks. The pattern would be beautiful printed on fabric; a duvet/comforter, curtains, pajamas.... anything of fine cotton would be lovely.💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
the sound of the stamp over the finished drawing always sounds like a lil kiss 💙
I want your ink collection so badly!! You make such beautiful art, I could watch you for days! 🖤
The morning glory/trumpet flowers are beautiful. I rarely see people make trumpet flowers look as, sheer as they can sometimes look, especially right after blooming, or during the night if they're the night blooming type, but you really have.
Next round of paper towels is on me
tumbling time blue is stunning. my jaw actually dropped seeing it dried at the end 😅
such gorgeous work!!! i love seeing all the different products, and watching how the ink bleeds with the water is super cool!!
Your videos are always beautiful and super relaxing - great ASMR effect. Watching your glass pen drawing I feel tempted to try it...some day.
I love these glass pen videos. They are the best things to listen to while reading or writing. Fantastic stuff.
ガラスペンの動画本当に大好きです! センスが最高なのもありますが、ひとつひとつの道具や音も癒されます! こんな風に絵を描けれたら本当に楽しいですよねぇ
青系の色は、やっぱり素敵だな~と改めて実感させて頂きました。ガラスペンは使った事ないですが、 カリカリいう音まで、とても魅力的ですね。
So, beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us. Warm wishes from Minnesota! ❤️❤️❤️