
Today i added the bosnian war to minecraft!


i added complete and utter psychotic torture, beyond human comprehension to minecraft


ok but shearing goats & trading their fur with villagers actually sounds really cool


actually shearing goats to make an armor that prevents freezing damage from powdered snow in mountains is a GREAT idea.


"I added the whole country of Poland"


“I added drunk driving to Minecraft”


“I added george orwell 1984 to minecraft.”


Fun fact : In french "To lebron james" has become a popular expression for masturbation


“I added air conditioners that fall on you when you’re under it to Minecraft”


That goat dribbling the basketball is actually so cute


"I added necrophilia to minecraft"


"i added the fitnessGram pacer test to minecraft" would also be gold (thank you for choosing me guys) ❤️


I added my ex-wife into Minecraft


"I added Christianity to Minecraft"


“I added Big Brother, The Party, and physiological torture to Minecraft.”


“I added the horrors of the 1999 to minecraft”


Add the duolingo bird from their new song


I Added Hospitals to Minecraft

-There is a 50% Chance to have a Hospital in a Village

-There are Nurses And Doctor Mobs

-You can heal in the hospital like in real life

-Sometimes there are fake doctors that instead of healing you, they accidentally kill you

-Just like real life they charge you alot of diamonds but if you dont have enough diamonds you will get killed by the doctor mob


“I added the Chinese cultural revolution to Minecraft”


“i added vore to minecraft”