Labor is not capable even to decide on date and organize election. How can they be trusted or relied on anything else (like budget) then? Vote them out.
this is why we cant get any funding for new projects because we always need to repair our infrastructure.
4 day work week yes, but increase childcare opening times to 14 hours, so parents can work till 7pm what aout the self employed or physical labour jobs? epected to work 9.6 hour days instead of 8
Hes even trying to blame the tariffs on steel and aluminium in the budget blowout ,wouldnt 3ven taken effect yet
ci=cyclone insurance
$400 mill referendum $850 million to France for nothing thats already 1-25 billion just throw in another $600 million for an overseas rugby league team why even mention the cyclone
Labour full of BS
birth control contraceptive choice