The part when Tom said "Asim should be the replacement on Ultra for Insight" I nearly shit bricks.
11:58 some players bought that plane Wi-Fi and went right to work 😭😭
I know it won’t happen but if I’m Scrap and Hydra I’m pushing to team together that’s the biggest counter to what OpTic and Faze are doing
Take a shot or rip whenever zoomaa says “you know what I mean?”
You know what I mean Tom? Do you know what I mean Tom?
“You know what I mean” brother in Christ lol
Ain’t gonna cap every minute and a half Tommy was repeating the same phrases lmao thought my shit was glitching
2:22 cap he knows 😂😂😂
Ghosty and Illey would be a beast of a duo.
Respect to Tom the corn acting has improved
That man Tactical Rab said "insight over skyz" I still cant get over that 😭😭😭😭😭
if im tor, im picking up gunless. gunless has been slowly changing into an octane style role and can keep pace w scrap.
100 percent LAT is building around Dan "Ghosty". They do not have to even say a word to know that is a lock.
Speaking on the ewc issue, its def not as important as champs but its probably right behind it. Its kinda the same as like xgames. I do think single elim is fugaze and the fact it was after regular season kinda derails the hype and importance of it but the 1.8m prize pool is def important.
Attach on Ultra would be scary
Rostermania the best time in cod
Rivalries make sports. And it's the rivalries between the fans that make the biggest impact. Look at the NFL, NHL, Sox/Yankees, etc. This stuff is actually good for COD. Pros just need to ignore it as the noise it is
Bro’s go to is “yk what I mean “ 😂 he just loves to repeat himself
“I don’t know anything guys 😁😁😁”