Costa Rica seems like such a beautiful country! All those green hills with the beautiful ocean waters looks like such a relaxing spot. We hope you're able to see some wildlife too, Costa Rica has some amazing biodiversity and has such cool animals! 🙉
My sister's were 10yrs older then me and I still idolize them so remember your siblings idolize you they look up to you and most likely want to be just like you
my friend and i were talking abt this vlog and we loved it! She is from costa rica but is living in brazil, and im from Angola
this trip is like the definition of aesthetic
my dad used to live in costa rica and we have a lot of family there. i went as a small child so i don’t remember it but i wish i did because it’s such a beautiful country
I’ve never been to coast rica but i’m from nicaragua which is right next to costa rica you can see coasts rica at the beaches of nicaragua if it’s not to foggy but i would love to go!!! great video tho!!
i like hanging with friends and going on trips w them but family trips are literally the best <3
Thank you to you and your family for visiting us. Hope u had and amazing time and hopefully u can come again :3 sending u lots of love and Pura Vida ♥️ 🇨🇷
I loved this!! I lived in Costa Rica for 6 years and it’s so pretty! I recommend you go to Manuel Antonio next time bc the beach is AMAZING. For food I def rec pinto (rice and beans w a side of eggs, fried plantains, and natilla) and Churchill (shaved ice with ice cream and syrups). The Wildlife is incredible at the beaches, there are parrots, monkeys, raccoons, and fish in the sea!
im legit so pumped for costa rica, im going there for a field trip next year
How awesome.. I wish I could travel to such exotic far away places these days ⛵⛱️🥂
As a person from Costa Rica I’m so happy to see people enjoy the beauty of the country! Loved the video <3
Nice to hear you enjoyed in my country! Pura vida, greetings from Costa Rica! :)
First video and i havent even watched 1 minute of ur video and i love it already
Another place added to my “to travel” list
Okay but this video was literally everything!!! We definitely need more travel vlogs from you
Hiiii, I love when you post, my day automatically gets so much better♥️
Awesome video, thank you 🙏🏼 this is definitely on our bucket list! ✈️
I love your vids!!!You the best and such an inspiration to me!