
Hello everyone!  You are watching video Your battery will last forever! Quickly Restore your Battery with Car SPARK PLUGS
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I love the creativity in how you make videos! The content is clear, engaging, and easy to understand. Thank you for sharing these fascinating ideas!


Great way to restore your battery thanks for sharing i did it


Честно говоря я вообще не понял, причём тут свеча зажигания и каким зарядным устройством проводилась зарядка АКБ.  Если юмор, то как то не очень, надеялся что увижу что-то оригинальное....


Great ❤


Very good🎉🎉


A well-made and informative video that presents an interesting method for battery restoration. Whether or not it works in every case, the creativity behind it is impressive. Definitely worth watching for car enthusiasts and those looking for clever automotive hacks! 🚗⚡🔧


Obee nirmaana athi saarthakayi sthuuthiya maagee ❤ haqawathinma nAwAtha mewAniqee nirmaanaya kara iqiri path karanna


항상 멋진영상 응원합니다.  
유친님 채널의 무궁한 발전을 기원합니다~🌸🐢💚🌸


Pode ser feito com bateria de MOTOCICLETA?


No 1 you are charging with the caps on, that is wrong, you must allow the cell to vent during the charging faze.


Don't believe everything. You see in the film he flipped the polarity when he tested the lamp. He had the poles the other way around and then an LED lamp doesn't work.


سلام عليكم من العراق حسين كيف أصلح البطارية القديمه العاطلة والغير مستعمله فقط قديمة وفارغة من الماء لعدة سنوات متروكة


Spark plug not used in whole video. Why ?


درودبرشما....لطفاجواب پیامم رابدهید
سئوال اینکه ...پودری که داخل باطری ریخته اید...ایاجوش شیربن هست؟؟؟واب مقطرویااسیدهم استفاده میکنید؟؟؟


Tuz mu yoksa karbonat mı konuyor içine....


Today's batteries are not what they used to be, their lifespan has halved (but not their price which has rather doubled). In the 80s, I had batteries that lasted 10 to 12 years, now, we should consider ourselves lucky if they last 5 to 6 years. It's probably to keep business going and empty our wallets. Not very ecological all that!


داداشای گلم سلام باتری این آقا اشتباهی لامپ منفی لامپو به مثبت لامپ زد به خاطر همون روشن نشد دوستای گلم اون باتری شارژ داشت قبلاً


Agora sim sera USADA


مسآء الخير ممكن سؤال بصراحه ليه لم تتكلم وتعرف ايه الخطوات ولا انت بتكلم الصمت والبكم باالاشاره

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