The wife is out for a five minute errand...
You BOTH need constant supervision😂
The kid saying "Do it!" tells me that this ain't their first rodeo.
Bro said “Chocolaateytee milllkk dodo ittt do ittt!OHh BOi.YESS HEEHHE”
The “Oh boy!” Had me dying 😭🤣😂
That cut off is absolutely perfect comedic timing damn 😂
I absolutely DID NOT expect that to end like this😂
The ending got me laughing😂
I love how the kid has safety glasses but they arent over his eyes 😂
When the little boy said “ Oh BOy” was just too cute ☺️
The “oh boy” was the cutest! 😂
poor kid he was so excited😢😂❤
the eye protection glasses on the kids face makes this even better
The beginning:😂 The end:💀
“ oh boy “😂 all the excitement in his voice he knew it was goin to get messy and he was there for that 😂❤
Hand so precise even brain surgeons are envious
“I’ll have a chocolate milk on the floor, drilled not stirred”- Bames Jond
That “do it! Oh boy” had me rolling