
I'm loving the sound for some reason


I’d love to see them sell enough of these to expand the form factor in the future. I personally would never have the room, but this thing would really run with some room to play.


Man.  I like this.  It has a really good bite to it.


sounds good


I wonder what the odds are we get an editor. Presumably no audio over usb will be possible (sadly), but easy daw integration/automation would pair wonderful with the “only synth you need” variable character nature


Thank you for the video. I"d have loved a longer one that looked at workflow and effects. I'd also love to hear more about the level of digital control that can change the analogue filter character so widely. It's not just a multimode filter but a multi-character filter. Maybe that is more common than I know; but Supercritical are the only developer that I know does this.


Sounds great!


I really like the way certain presets sound like certain drum sounds.


Sounds great. Not so keen on the user interface but seems fast to operate anyhow — also curious about that “16 oscillators per voice.” So it has 96 DCOs?


sounds like a cheap 90s synth