I'm not sure to run a burocratic job interviews just to realize that the salary offer of the company is below your expectations. I prefer to have the conversation as soon as possible.
Diplomatic and assertive answer
Say, I’m currently interviewing for positions that start at 95K or whatever
Wouldnt saying you want 80-85k allow them to give you 80k cause of course no company wants to give you more then they have to? Not to mention i would rather make them tell me what they would want to give me instead cause this way in case they might want to give me 90k then i just low balled myself with saying 80k first?
Interviewer be like : why dont you wiggle it down to 40-45k
Hi! Unfortunately here in Hungary(despite the fact that Hungary is part of the EU) the salary for a controller(even working for US companies here) is around 17000 USD/year :( what is very very sad...
I’m at 70k. I’m trying to get to 100k next job. Maybe I’ll say 95-105k ?
Sir, this is Wendy