
Good work sir, this was interesting to watch as it was on an actual person and shows how you go about thinking about symptoms and the treatment of the whole body. I feel like most people don't have access to this kind of intense care you give, so you teaching us is really helpful, because most of us have to care for ourselves!


Sorry for the stupidity here but I'm on the low end of ADD/ADHD Spectrum power out.  What is it that I ask my doctor for to get the above results?
After a near fatal accident, with a MBI, I forgot to take my Vyvanse for a few years.  Now, when I go in to ask about help, I can't even think of how to ask and I just end up inquiring about the physical after effects of the accident.  I'm sure a lot of my brain issues now are the A/A S but just can't wrap my head around the words.  ......help......


Interesting video, thanks. Can I asked what kind of test you used to measure this person's nutrients?


A healthy stomach acid environment has a pH level ranging from 1.5 to 3.5. This means it is highly acidic, with the optimal range generally considered to be between 1.5 and 2.0


You want your stomach between 1-3 not 6-6.5, that's totally back wards from what ive researched.


I have a question here. I’ve been doing Research on gene therapy and editing. Supposedly some papers say that adhd can potentially be reduced permanently or even cured if scientists learn more about the genes that cause the disease (because people with adhd are born with this conditions and we were genetically predisposed to it before birth) a recent study conducted by Israeli scientists used crispr to discover a new gene that was edited  out that caused hyperactive and lost of focus. And said “potentially sitting up new treatments in the future” I’m not sure what they mean but potentially gene therapy. I even read a science article having the idea of driving genes through h medication for people who don’t wanna take stimulants. What are your thought for adhd and gene therapy and is it possible ?


Very informative. BTW I have been observed that some sort of fruit cause issues on me like fog brain and exaustion. I wonder if i have some kind of intolerance or any trouble with the metabolism of frutose as I have the same symptoms with suggar (that will split in frutose and galactose, naturally as you already know). Tks doc


Hi Dr Le grand, I am currently taking adhd medication and it is working but I feel I am burning out. I would like to go the natural route. I live in Perth Western Australia but I cannot find a natural adhd dr that will do these test. What would you recommend I do? Is there any way I can get the test results and send them to you for Tx?


What would be approximate budget for all these?


Can you please explain why you have removed all the healthy fats such as beef, pork, butter, cheese and coconut oil? Please don’t say to lower his cholesterol. 

Everything else is spot on.. I’m really hoping you’re not one of the “cholesterol is bad believers”. Essentially if you are that belief alone undermines ALL your other treatments.


what's your problem with us ADHDers?