Our Elected officials (bureaucratic oligarchs) have SOLD US ALL OUT! We work 55 hours a week both parents and still barely get by.
I live paycheck to paycheck, but only because I make 4 or 5 principal payments a month to my mortgage....almost done paid off.
He just described my life in 60 seconds😢
I love that I am so abnormal! Retired at 50 because of Dave Ramsey pushing me further in the right direction of intentional saving!
He is correct ✅
Thank God I've never been normal!
I went to school part time while I worked full time and was able to pay as I went through work place tuition reimbursement and some out of pocket. I ended up with an AAS and a BS with no debt. That being said that was back before 2000, now the cost of education has outpaced inflation by a staggering amount and I don't know if pay as you go college is even feasible anymore. The main thing is don't get a loan for a degree that won't have a huge rate of return for you.
So true. The problem is people are unwilling to wait for things they want. And usually getting things immediately comes with payment.
Dave is correct, I just hope he realizes it was his generation that pulled the ladder up behind them.
Similar but not quite as bad here in Australia. I'm just so grateful for a Dad, (passed 20 years ago), set an amazing example with saving from a very young age, don't borrow on/use credit cards for wants, (emergency is ok but paid off asap), budget n review your budget n most importantly is to live within your means. I don't care what my friends have, nor do I need a 48in TV, nor the latest greatest phone, car, radio, holiday, handbag etc. I'm happy to not have my self worth wrapped up in materialistic BS. Thanks Dad! 😁🙏💙🦘
That’s how they keep control over you!
No truer words were spoken today.
You can't take none of this stuff to the grave with you. I say, enjoy your life because each moment and each second is precious. And remember, your greatest wealth is your health.
This is becoming more and more the case in the UK
Thanks, Dave!! Decades ago my wife & I took the Larry Burkett course. Went from $500/mo. negative (a lot back then!) to $500/mo. Positive. We bought a plane, and an apartment building. Recently we decided it was time for a check-up. We started in your baby steps and in a couple of hours discovered we were 1/2 step from finishing the baby steps. $1,400 in our $1,000 emergency fund, and about 23 months in our 6 month emergency fund. Then, suddenly… NO WORK! About 6 weeks before the small emergency fund is used-up, and we will have to start on the 6 month (23 month) emergency fund. Thanks for the guidance. We should land on our feet.
I have zero debt, no car payments, i make about 30k a year. Life is still rough cause shit is just so expensive.
People today want everything right now. THey want I huuuge house , a huuuuge pickup , 2 kids and 2 vacations per year. I never bought a house, I never had student loans, I never bought a car over 30k , I did travel a bit. But budgeted every year, sacrificed and saved some money along the way, One big trap is a expensive car payment every 3-4 years. Keep your cars 12-15 years. First 7 years barely maintenance . The only thing my parents paid for me was my education in College. Went to university part time while working.
1000% correct
The frightening thing about this is that the entire economy is based on debt. If "normal" people started living within their means, stopped buying stuff they don't need, stopped using credit cards, stopped eating fast food and started saving the economy would shrink drastically and there would be huge unemployment and an unbelievable depression. The economy needs ever increasing levels of debt to grow. The way to win in this madness is to be one of the few "abnormal" people who manage to break out of of the debt cycle and stand on the sidelines watching the downward spiral, while hoping that everyone else keeps feeding the debt machine.