I have a friend who finally scored the girl he has dreamed about for the last 20 years and married her. He was waiting in the background while she was running through dozens of guys and travelling the world and he became very successful. I told him you are just going to be taken advantage of and then divorced and he ended our friendship right there. Lo and behold she did a runner 3 years later and took a significant portion of his net worth. He still won't talk to me to this day even though I have run into him several times.
Treat her like a Queen and she'll treat you like a Peasant.
They MAKE rules for BETAS, they BREAK rules for ALPHAS. 😂Nothing new here
Why any man still listens to any woman on how to get women in 2025 blows my mind.
Not tonight honey, I have a headache. But if Jason Momoa enters the room, the headache goes out the window!
No one cares what this 304 thinks.
“I’m a toilet, worship me.”-👸🏼
Take it from me too. She is lying AND promoting toxic women and relationships
The guy she cheats with will never have to make her emotionally safe or do chores. It's just manipulation to subjugate husbands. Nonsense
Long ago in my late teens and early twenties I was involved in the metal scene as a guitarist. As such I cultivated a certain image/reputation about myself. During this time, about ten years, I literally had women competing over me. Since my last band broke up about 25 years ago I've been single all but three years. They don't want good, reliable, consistent men. They want the thugs and bad boys because they absolutely cannot handle ten minutes without some damn drama in their lives.
What have we learned, Gentlemen? Women are incapable of monogamy.
It's amusing how she thinks her opinion matters at all to anyone.
when a women speaks like that, she's selling the idea of herself being an Ideal woman, without needing to be one.
Don't fall for it. Either they'll want to sleep with you or they want you to pay the bills. Best to ditch them so you don't end up losing half your stuff.
Imagine actually going to get relationship advice from a street worker.
"Women looove nice guys, and that's you!" :face-blue-smiling:
Imagine finding a used and broken gasket for sale that had a billion dollar price tag.
“guys, here’s what I WANT to want, but don’t actually want. Can you do stuff for me while I chase bad boys? Why not?!”
Once the horizontal vanishes, the relationship vanishes. The rest is just for her convenience.