
Now this is poetry lyrically, musically, visually


Blank Face album of the year


"On gangsta crip my poppa was a bitch, left me where hope don't exist" shit grabbed my heart immediately


the school/prison bus scene... one of the greatest things put into an mv


when he kissed his daughter and then SHE watched HIM get on the bus... damn near made me cry


This album is better than Views


0:00 caught
1:18 offer to snitch
2:03 contemplates freedom
2:35 realizes consequence of snitching
3:18 ultimatum
3:30 says goodbye mentally
3:52 accepting 
4:02 preparing goodbyes
4:07 preaching the truth
4:22 i love you/ acceptance
4:24 bye
4:36 consequence
4:54 punishment


They need to have a movie TBH


"Your favorite rapper broke, he dont get this paper. But claim he got a kilo...and born in 93 though.. you tryna fool the people...MANNNNNN"


I'm glad he is becoming more of an artist than a rapper. Radio hits are cool, but they don't get you remembered as a legend.


School bus turning into a prison bus damn near made me cry


My interpretation on this:
Right when Tony is thinking about the deal, he starts thinking about the luxuries he has back at his home. But he never forgets his boys. He knows that even with all the luxury his boys will still be in prison locked up. Then he reminds of his daughter and what he will miss if he goes to jail. On the background shows that his house has jail walls and some parts like the water fountain has that thing from the prisons (can't remember the name). This means that even if he accepts the deal, he will always feel like a prisoner. Then shows Tony walking with his daughter to the school bus and shows them saying goodbye. Tony made his decision, he is refusing the deal. His daughter with her backpack means that he knows she will get the education he wants her to have, even if he goes behind bars. IDK, I'm just high


I met Q around the time this video dropped in El Paso TX at his concert… about a hr after my grandfather died. I told him I had to go because his music pushed through a lot in this life. He hugged me tight & told me how much that meant….. this man is prolific


The bus scene had me like OH SCHNAP!!... yeah... that part...


This song couldn't have come at a better time


this shit deep.  made me go wake my daughter to give her a hug and kiss




am I the only one who thinks this is maybe one of Q's best songs, at least on this album anyway.


I cant believe he gave us something like this 🎉


How more people don't listen to this dude blows my mind.  Some of the best rap next to Kendrick in years.  Will be appreciated fully in the future, such powerful visuals, ideas and lyrics.  Top notch art.