“Sir how did you get away from Circe???” “..well she took off her shirt, then I started crying, then she let me go..”
Circe isnt JUST doing it for Karma. To her, she sees men as pigs because some of her nymphs were stolen/killed. So, she believes Odysseus is just a pig who cant control his urges. The moment he breaks from her and tells her he has a wife he loves and just wants to get home, it opens her eyes to the fact that maybe NOT all men are pigs. His love and loyalty to Penelope saved him from getting stabbed in the back
5:46 And now, we as the Winions are obligated to mention that Jorge has confirmed a mistake in this lyric, Ody has been away from home for 10 years not 12. The lyric is supposed to be "10 long years"
“Odysseus no, Odysseus stop” Look I’m definitely not a fan of cheating, and that’s the appropriate reaction to someone like Hamilton, but in this case she literally forced his hand on her chest when he kept trying to yank his hand away, that’s not “no Odysseus stop” that’s Circe sexually assaulting him. 😅 I love how this animatic shows Odysseus’ vulnerability and emotion, but man they also did a good job with how nonconsensual/forceful Circe’s seduction of Ody is, to the point that it’s uncomfortable to watch. But god her voice is just so gorgeous, especially at the end. :D
3:54 I mean... technically Circe straight up forced his hands on her there. Circe is a 'minor' goddess, daughter of the Titan Helios (some will say god, reminder ALL the titans are gods, titan is essentially the generation before the Olympians) and a sea nymph (that is the daughter of the Titan Oceanus)... she had all the power once Ody stumbled and let her change the tempo. Interestingly enough in Greek mythology it isn't considered cheating if the other 'person' is a god. Regardless of the how, it is always under coercion when the gods are involved. After all these beings have the ability to manipulate/control reality (like Zeus turning into animals or that one woman's husband, Hermes and his speed, Apollo's ability to move the sun) and they are... extremely adverse to being told no or being outdone. In the Odyssey he sleeps with her, and then they (him and his crew) stay for like a year until Polites/Eury tell him they should leave (which one depends on translations... which is weird). The big question for the original is honestly if Circe puts a minor spell on him or if, after the first (and only required time), he does it 'willingly'. Again... if she hasn't told them to leave it could anger her, although she had given her vow to do him and his men no further harm (after she said "fk me and I'll let you all go" Ody replied with "Give me your word that you will do us no harm again"... these are of course paraphrased). Which some will say means she didn't ensorcell him... I say he specifically said something closer to "not hurt us" so it was still 'fair game' to 'gently' manipulate him. But that's all semantics really.
If I remember Anniflamma said reason why Circe gets all blue while singing "I can get you to the underworld instead." She wanted Odyssey to be traumatized again but also a reference to Poseidon being also Underworld god (Wet Hades).
Polyphemus: Oh so when Circe wants to send you to Hades she's so helpful and generous and kind, but when I, Polyphemus wants to send you to Hades I'm a "monster" and I have to "die". Typical.
Circe is a minor goddess, her father is Helios and her mother is a nymph. The fins are to show her nymph side basically.
Circe: theres no way odysseus can babygirl his way out of this one Odysseus: babygirls his way out of this with ease
Fun fact: in the part "These TWELVE YEARS" Jay was wrong because until then only 10 years had passed....but the fans fixed the error by arguing that Polites was the one who had the calendar with the birthdays of the 600 soldiers and thus knew What date was it...... And since he is no longer here, no one knows exactly how many years have passed.😅
This isn’t even the only time Anniflamma’s had a Greek woman with no clothes on in an animatic- and she gets away with it lol.
Circe "Maybe showing one act of kindness, leads to kinder souls down the road" Polites "I'd like to show my friend that kindness is brave" Polites was RIGHT! Leading from the heart saved Odysseus & his men. And Circe WAS brave to trust this army of men (theres still 40+ of them on this island) would not hurt her nymphs once she no longer had leverage.
I've always loved the contrast between Poseidon's idea of "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" and Circe's "Maybe showing one act of kindness leads to kinder souls down the road". While it could be interpreted as Circe trying to farm good karma for herself, I like to think it also hints that Odysseus's "one act of kindness" in not killing Polyphemus ultimately led to his own good karma with Circe being a "kinder soul down the road".
The thing I like about AnniFlamma's animation compared to a lot of others here is how much of a power move it is to be held at sword point, pull out dem tiddies, and then entirely take control of the situation again. It's Circe's personality to a T.
The thumbnail has me laughing already. No one is prepared for anniflamma's animatic😂
9:33 since Circe is the daughter of Helios and an ocean nymph, Anni is probably doing her best to show Circe's powers.
“Everyone’s true colors are revealed in acts of lust.” We saw his true colors- his love of Penelope.
"She's playing with the vocal lines because she's playing with.... The plan to distract Odysseus" She's just playing with Odysseus, lets be real
3:53 “Odysseys, stop!” She put his hands there though, he was trying to pull away 😭