
Your dad trying to buy you "I survived the wall" is exactly the kind of dad energy I wanna bring to my kids lol.


Jaiden: I'm as shy as shy gets

Also Jaiden: Smells all candles in public MMMMMMMMMMMMMM


Jaiden’s dad: FALL!!

Jaiden’s brother: starfish mode activated


Jaiden’s Dad: “FAALLLL”
Jaiden’s Bro: “I’m not falling. I’m starfishing… With style”


“Hey why is that girl smelling all the candles and not buying anything?”

“Oh she comes here every week”


‘A thousand wishes’


Jaiden: I’m gonna go down the mountain slowly.
Jaxen: A C C E L E R A T I O N  Y E S


As a pretty confident skiier, Kirkwood is a tough resort, and the Wall genuinely scares me. There's about a 5 foot drop off just to start the damn thing.


"I like going into candle stores just to smell all the candles"



Jaiden: "Sorry grandpa, I hope you forgive us. Rest in peace..... golf hat."

They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


The one Christmas I spent in snow as a kid we went on a dog sled tour. And by the end of the day, I was crying and screaming, "I wanna go back home to Texas!!!" ......... I hate snow.


I’m just going to say that I love this channel and support jaiden so much and am really proud


Seasons in New Zealand:
Autumn: Meh
Winter: I can't feel my fingers
Spring: Rain Rain Rain


somehow, stranger danger is not a thing on the slopes, everyone is so nice. Once I lost my brother in the woods and so many people decided to help us find him we managed to surround the little bit of "forest" that we got lost traveling in


I love how Jaiden made "starfish" a verb...


When she said “I’ve always wanted to be in a place where all the leaves get pretty and colorful” I felt bad


Jaden: I have a 50% chance of dying going down this slope
Jaxen: hahahha cold hill go brrrrrr


5:11 "Vertical Downward Death" sounds like an awesome band name.


Imagine what Jax was thinking about in his starfish moment