
My experience. Shedding others hurts. I am on others side now. Sppeaking my truth. Spiritual journey. Trusting my inner truth even if alone.


You said more than I could admit to myself. I grew up in a dysfunctional atmosphere, where I learned that my opinions didn't count. So I suppressed them until I really didn't know that I had them at all. It turned into a life-long habit. I'm 70 years old. Thank you.


Hi thank u for being such a wonderful guide into our path. but anyway I am an audio engineer, It will be a pleasure for me if you allow me to mix your wonderful voice & the background music, please?


Thanks, I am having a good cry now. After all we've been through my energy is dwindling. I have to pull back and recharge. But I will not give up my FREEDOMS. I will find a group to handle the scourge that is going to try to run this country into the abyss. I won't go down without defending the country I love. I don't mean going out and hurting anyone. That is not my style. What I mean is, doing it the right, and legal way! I have a mission and I will see it through. I have thought about a few things and I think I know why I am so reactional today, that certain someone has broken so many laws and that person was never held accountable. I am for law and order and this breaks my heart that so many ignore that.


Exactly! Life is unpredictable, and the real peace comes from letting go of the need to control every situation. It reminds me of humor—sometimes you can't control how others will react to a joke, but that shouldn't stop you from trying and enjoying the process.

I once struggled with trying to "fit in" and make people laugh, but after joining the Sense of Humor Improvement Program by Habit10x, I realized it's more about being authentic. Embrace who you are and laugh at life’s curveballs. You'll find the peace and humor you're looking for! Keep pushing forward.


Sometimes on a spiritual journey you will be alone because you will be so far ahead of other people it will be too much for them, you outgrow them.


Invaluable inspiration as always. Thank you. I however would like to know where to situate being positive with the day break with the inkling that the day could be fraught with dangers and uncertainty.


Let us seek God be people of peace and May the true self that lives without fear be revealed in and throughout lives


Being Natural 
Being Honest to oneself 
Is more important than impressing the World around, which is constantly changing itself at every moment.
Bless You ❤🎉


I love you, my beautiful brother. I’m so happy to hear your voice.!❤ Flora


God bless America and its amazing citizens and the leaders who are on the light team 😊❤️😎


"Yes, Just be yourself because everyone else is taken." RIP James Mtume. 😁


I don’t want to fit in. That’s the last thing I want.. most people are fake. I love this channel. Thank you!


I wish I had listened to this wisdom when I was younger. Thank you soo much 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I particularly appreciate your reminding me that fear is merely in my mind. Also  my authenticity is my wealth to attract all I ever need. This one filled my soul and heart with needed rejuvenation. Blessed be.


I really needed this. It seems life can be so overwhelming at times. Living is not for the faint of heart. Wishing everyone joy and peace.


asAs always an inspiring video message


I really wish I had seen this video 50 years ago! But I enjoyed it today just the same. Thanks for your energy in making it!


You always seem to provide the perfect words at the right moment. Thank you for this video and for all your videos. They offer me hope and inspiration for positive change. 🕊️💟🌟


Well said ,great info 💜✨️