
The race editing with the ink was TOP TIER


Love the luigi edits in the bathroom mirror


Those 2 chairs right out thr room @2:56 is fkn perfect, what a sick place!


Bro got 3 bathrooms but barley anything in the fridge


Lmfaoo vauels needs a raise


That Mario Kart edit was so good! lol W


6:25 β€œtake care, brush your hair, that’s what I’m talkn bout” classic

Edit: nah that super Mario edit is criminal good shii had me dead


The take care, brush your hair to the guy at the bike shop but chat said he was balding killed me 🀣🀣🀣


the Ben zoom in's at the dinner table was fkin hilarious


Love to see people doing good bro! Keep doing your thing bro happy for your continued success!




Paper towel and baseline at 2:20 enough said πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Tom got the iCarly elevator in the crib


I love the kids in the chat saying omg he is rich!!!! Yea no shit that's all ur money u send him he living the life off ur money lol thats why I find it funny people send 5 10 bucks 2 a dude who is a millionaire


Good job editor, good job. Seriously made this such a good watch.


haha the mario kart edit sesh was the best!!


Damn Zooma you are looking faded. Thanks for the tour!


Ben double hand wave?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he never fails to


Vlog is comedy , thanks for blessing us with this masterpiece mister tommassi


keep em coming