
please dont post spoilers thank you guys enjoy !

[0:00]  vogel im kafig
[6:58]  counter attack mankind 
[11:22] eye water
[14:49] apple seed
[18:00] call your name
[22:52] t-kt
[26:03] shock
[29:33] so ist es immer
[34:54] zero eclipse
[39:46] youseebiggirl
[46:42] name of love ( nivro remix 
[51:40] counter attack mankind ( feora remix 
[54:23] doa ( mica caldito remix ) 
[58:42] aots2m4
[1:03:25] counter attack mankind ( mica caldito remix 
[1:07:03] shingekinokyojin
[1:10:38] aots2m3
[1:14:35] call of silence 
[1:17:54] historia
[1:20:24] attack on d


This made me wish I could rewatch the series for the first time all over again


It scares me but I keep living this anime and universe, and all the ideas. The work and the music accompanied me on my way to changing my whole worldview and I can't escape it. There are so, so, so many parallels between the SnK world and ours. All the thoughts, and indescribable feelings... Been there, done that, we have, as the human race. Its overwhelmingly amazing, beautiful, and terrifying.


Man, eating cereal never make this emotional and hype at the same moment


Attack on Titan has my favorite OST ever. The amount of times I've listened to it are innumerable. It hypes me so much while also being tragic, emotional, nostalgic & beautiful. It's just amazing.


This playlist deserves so much, thank you for making studying slightly better


you the goat imma read the last chapters while listening to this


God damn this is ethereal music..




I just loved season 4 is like something in my mind did click and then you can even understand the worst humans act possible, even if you can't even stand hearing them.
War can change people, it did change the characters and each of us. I did it too even if i wasn't too attached until almost the final episodes of season 3 and season 4


41:26 this slowed hits so different.


Man, the ocean song slowed and reverbed is hauntingly beautiful and one of my favorite osts


0:00, 42:56 1:23:16 are my favorite 😩


You have made an epic anime series music even more epic!!!!! Thank you for blessing us with this


11:22 good old memories


here before popularity


This deserves more views honestly


when i watch anime i feel like i’m in a different place and it’s so calming and relaxing


I'm never getting over this show and its music. Everytime I get back to playlists like this is just feel deeply sad and nostalgic.


I can't think of an OST better than youseebiggirl