they never listen to my warnings guys
“Guys it’s a little hot in here I’m just going to open a window” And that kids is what killed the dinosaurs
15:48 The fact that they both looked at eachother after that and then broke into hysterical laughter is just perfect for a movie
Within the first two minutes- Wilbur and Charlie: start a cult Philza: makes progress Tommy: i s f l u s h e d
21:49 Wilbur: what i'm about to do is completely a Jschlatt move.
Wilbur: “we gotta see his personality, we gotta see what he’s like” tommy joins vc Charlie: “squish squash squirty guy” Tommy: .... “what?”
Charlie and Wilbur are such a perfect duo 🤣
everytime tommy enters charlie and wilbur’s vc it’s like he’s entering a discontinued fever dream
"I actually already had blocks, I just felt like being incapable" felt that.
Tommy: ‘Are they in a cult?’ Phil, not even hesitating: “Yes, now get stone, get wood.’
i love how at 22:33 charlie pretends to be confused but at 22:37 he is genuinely confused about will.
Charlie: “I’m sick of being funny, this one’s for real” 5 minutes later “OxEYe DaIsIEs”
Tommy: The talkative one Phil: The one who wants to beat the game Will and Charlie: c u l t
tommy: "are these two is a cult?" philza: "yes. uh get wood get stone..."
Wilbur and charlie: just playing with the flowers Also charlie: has the power to slam his desk that crashes his PC Tommyinnit and Philza: worried about the lava
charlie: “squish squash squirty guy.” tommy: “..what???”
"guys it's a little hot in here let me open the window" -tommyinnit's last words
Wilbur: "So, uhh I may have possibly had every single daisy we found on the map on me when I fell into the lava" Charlie: " O o p s i e . . . d a i s y " * pulls out a sword *