Don't forget WHY you are saving money :) It's easy to forget to enjoy life during the process 🥳
Thank you, I have seen ten dozens videos about personal economics and this is the one which explains everything in the most clear way! Ευχαριστούμε! 🎉
The best initial investment you can make is in YOURSELF - Improve your qualifications, interpersonal skills, appearance. That will make saving up for proper investments later much easier.
Brotherrrrrrrrr! Where are you? We miss you a lot - please keep posting! - Lots love from Syria 💚
"Increasing income is easy to say but not easy to do. Not everyone has the opportunity to negotiate salary or move to a better job, especially those who do manual labor."
The funny thing about that question at the end is, it would make you a lot more money if you just took the 1k, invested it and got a compounding annual return of 10% each year
The answer : I will definitely put in as much effort as I can to make it double in the future, but to whom and where? There’s no trust.
i think the hardest part is finding out what to invest in.
What investment gives a common person 10% per year for sure? What about risks in the stocks market? The income change significantly with realistic numbers. See what happened from 2019 to now in the markets, for example
Good video! That bit about the lifestyle inflation is so true. It's so crucial to avoid those temptations.
As an American, you couldn’t have made this video at a worse time
"Money is not just paper; it's a reflection of the value you create. Focus on learning, growing, and solving problems—the wealth will follow. 💡💰"
Thanks! I supposed this video was to sponsor some app, but it turned out it was actually teaching something. Budgeting is very important, I would have spent all my parents money when studying abroad if it wasn't for budgeting. After 3 months I was like "Holy s... LIFE IS EXPENSIVE" ahahah
This video is proof that creativity knows no limits. Bravo!
Love your videos. They are so useful in terms of self-developement. Thank you.❤
Yeah but, my guy, good luck saving 10k every year, especially if you want to buy a house or have to change your car. And, even then, your million needs more than the quarter of a century, near 1/3 of a person's life. You just illustrated why rich people stay rich and why poor people stay poor on the scale of 1 generation.
I was today years old when I realized a penny could outshine a million bucks. Guess I need to stop underestimating the spare change in my couch!
People don't have patience, by saving for long time. They can retire from work life. But their materialistic life style ends up in keep on working for ever. Patients pays off!
40 years is a long time...