
This makes me think stress-cleaners have some really good self love. It feels like one of the healthiest coping mechanisms. They clean out their environment so they have something to match their internal environment to. I think im gonna download this personality trait lol


If I am procrastinating about something, I think "What would I do if I loved myself?" and I do that. It bypasses the need to actually love yourself already and it gets stuff done, to my advantage.


My phrase- I am deserving of everything I want and more.
I am capable of doing this and more.


“Alhamdulilah” & “AstagfurAllah” are the two phrases I use which are in Arabic and translate to “All praise is to Allah” and “I turn to Allah in repentance” 🤍 nothing is more comforting than taking all that weight off & handing it to the lord in all humility.


Recently, I had an epiphany that I was in the process of self-sabotaging. I’m so glad I was led to this video. You really put into perspective so many things, and I felt my anxiety and self-sabotage just leave my body. The affirmation I will use when I am having a negative moment will be, “I deserve good things,” because I do. I deserve good things to happen to me, and I deserve good people in my life. Thank you again!


I am worthy of succeeding 
I have the ability to overcome self sabotage 
I am worthy of all good things in life 
I am powerful enough to beat self sabotage 
I am fully confident within myself 
I am excited and confident when starting new projects 
I am successful in everything I do!
In Jesus name Amen 🙏


I searched and watched 6 other videos but none gave me anything. This gave me hope. "I am great and I deserve greatness"


2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.


Yes double mindedness is definitely at the root!!! Being indecisive is so draining and when you meet someone who is decisive they look at you like you’re insane lol I’m overcoming it as we speak 🙏🏽✨


“Self sabotage is literally self hate” this hit hard.


7:00 like everyone is looking
8:19 if enemy is inside, than enemies outside can...

14:21 1. Be aware why you self sabotage and recognize the lies you tell yourself, write the truths
15:49 2. Become an encourager
16:58 get therapy
Write down a phrae of positive feeling

I can do all the things easily and in healthy way. 
I know I am succesfull and I have many qualities. I will go for it.


I am extremely tired of being negative. Always talk crap about myself. Always think I'm stuck in my boring life. I feel like I'm not smart enough to get a better high paying job.  I'm Always at entry level jobs. I'm learning new things at my job and anxiety kills me and will always tell myself I can't learn a new task or I'm too dumb.  I'm just so tired of Always thinking this way 😪


Whow! True, good things make one feel out of place, & truly that on its own is the biggest self-sabotage. It truly shows im my own worse enemy. God, help me to remove the enermy within me, nyself.  I have destroyed so many good things you brought to myself. Thank u 'Forebording Joy', i experienced that. I want out of this.


I've had a few moments where my self-sabotaging was hurting my thoughts and I started to worry and envelope panic attacks at everything. Bad grades? Worry. Skipped class? Worried about other people thinking I'm horrible for skipping class, etc. This work so well for grades, school, friends, problems etc. This quote saved me. "If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there's no need to worry. IF it's not fixable, there's no help in worrying"


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 5 months ago about self development. Now I have 307 subs and almost > 100 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place.


Ended my relationship that lasted a decade. It was pure, full of love relationship between equal partners. But everytime when things were so good, I felt upset and lost. Now I am single for two days and I never felt myself so miserable and full of grief. My heart is broken and I broke heart of my significant other. 💔


I am beautiful and beautifully made, I accept myself.
I am stronger than my feelings.
I can achieve my dreams, no matter the challenges that might stand between me and my dreams, I know I can do it!


Thank you. Since lockdown and bad relationship I developped huge social anxiety, I feel isolated, depressed and bad about myself and your channel help me a lot! ❤️ I decided to start the self-improving journey


have i not commanded you ? be not dismayed nor discouraged for i am with you whenever you go.


I’ve been self sabotaging my own amazing relationship and now I know it’s because of my low self esteem, literally crying from this video because of how right you are