Love the video, just one thing that I wanted to note. Coyotes will tempt dogs to chase them and then lead them to more coyotes. This is especially common for farms. They'll try and lure the dog out so they can group up on it.
not all heroes wear capes
15:37 his master died in the 1800s? Dog looks pretty good, all things considered.
Our 4 Legged Friends R Better Human...❤️❤️❤️
This is the best of the video thank you so much ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
"From guard dogs to superhero dogs - watch these brave animals save the day!"
Wow 😲 Amazing video 😍
0:03 It's funny to see this dog defending the hunter against a wild boar, while the hunter is clearly there to kill the boar, he is clearly the predator, so the danger, the aggressor is not the boar, the dog got the wrong target 😂😂 C’est drôle de voir ce chien défendre le chasseur face à un sanglier, alors que le chasseur est clairement là pour tuer le sanglier, c’est clairement lui le prédateur, donc le danger, l’agresseur n’est pas le sanglier, le chien s’est trompé de cible 😂😂
22:29 The guy with his two sons at the ATM he works with a friend of mine training pit bulls and large breed pitbulls. The dog's name is Hulk. Their channel is Dark DynastyK9's. And just because this is freaking hilarious he trained his dog to pee in the toilet.😂
12:20 bro started juking the cobra
Roosters will kill raptors if possible. Mine has killed a barn owl & a Cooper's hawk.
Dogs jumping in the river after a kid jumped off a swing? How does that qualify as "animals saving humans"? Haha. Tht dog didnt SAVE anyone 🤣🤣🤣. How about a cat catching a mouse in a house saving an ENTIRE family from the mouse? Haha lame video.👎