
Jolly Roger Bay is only for the REAL collectors.


Peach: " I Like Money!"


That man forgot the magic paintings, these probably cost a lot of time and money.


Bro has become MatPat


It's not a castle, just a big house


That sure is expensive


that add the fact that they need to constantly clean it because of the fishes


My God that is a lot of money good luck trying to afford that


I’m surprised this video didn’t get taken over to game theory


A man of numbers, I see.


Rank every Super Monkey Ball level from easiest to hardest!


Peach probably got a lot of money for uncovering the lost treasure of Roger. Or she took Mario’s coins


The fish add a mindblowing 10$ to the actual price, shoking i know


We goin' to game theory with this one!🗣🗣🗣


This makes me think of Tanked
I kinda want to see them make this now


Honestly, playing this game so many times I just sort of rush to the levels and not really focus on the fun details like the aquariums.


Bro forgot there ain't any water, the fishs are floating


Did anyone else think he was talking about the painting itself


Jolly Roger Bay: Costs $12 Million
Elon Musk: Lets Put it on Mars for no reason!!!