
Wolves before fighting vampires


Vampires have been real quiet since this dropped 😂


that bread is BURNT 😭


This is enough garlic to kill dracula from another continent


This lady has olive & garlic reserves in her bank account 😂


Olive oil must be cheap wherever you are 😂


I’m so glad I found someone who loves garlic as much as I do!


The roof of my mouth is in shambles just watching this


daenskitchen demonstrating the rapid growth of geometric progressions with her garlic!


رائع رائع رائع.. افعل هذه الطريقة دائمآ ولكن مع الخبز الأسمر كامل الحبه... وأضع في بعض الأحيان مع الثوم وزيت الزيتون الزعتر الأخضر او الروز ماري.


Damn you JUST saved that bread 😂


Indian - are you comedy 😂


You should do a collab with Peters Pasta! Garlic confit pasta that would be so yummy 🤤


Is olive oil cheap in some countries? I can't imagine using this much.


"Double the GARLIC, Double the FUN"


Oh my god this is soooo good I want to have some 😅


Mr beans loves this 😂😂😂😂😂❤


I bet your house smells so good ❤




I can hear the infinite fart sound the next day 😂😂😂