This is pretty great.
I love this!!
Damn dude!!!! nice!!!!
Welcome back, to bad about you not wanting to do your theory videos anymore. I really enjoyed them.
Ayyy you did a mashup! well done!
its sad and amazing....i'm speechless
great job on the greatest video ever thanks for the awesome video
Take a shot every time Tyrian gets "welcomed" (I of course do not condone underage drinking, get milk or something)
I always love your videos! Here's to more fisticuffs and more awesome!
Congrats on 6k subs Element! And I am scared how RT is going to end Vol. 4 next week. Hopefully a lot of us AMV makers will all do a Mashup Trailer for the Finale. Know I am, pretty much done.
This needs more views! This is amazing!!!
Glad to see a new video! Regarding your theory videos: did you ever consider starting a second channel? That way, you could make as many as you wanted, and people who subbed to that channel wouldn't be surprised. I know I'd like to see more.
I fucking love this song. GREAT JOB!
Well done! Very noice!
is it me or I keep watching 1:23
Hey I was hoping if you could do a fullmetal alchemist amv with the Phoenix Thanks!