
may 2017 be a productive year for everyone


love it and I hope 2021 will be our year


Happy new year!! I hope to whoever is reading this that your 2017 will be fantastic and full of wonderful memories to come!😊


i see "get minimal" is a resolution!! the journey to a minimal life is something i started about 8 months ago and its BOMB!! im so much calmer and more able to deal now!!


-Get rid of digital and real clutter
-Set goals and resolutions
-Find an organisational system (bullet journal, to-do list, calendar)
-Make a collection of inspiring/motivating things (quotes, images)


The beginning of the videos is so oddly satisfying...
Random thing >> Circle >> Square
(= Magic)


You're such an inspiring and motivational person and I aspire to be like you! I hope you have a good new year and I look forward to new videos!


Hi Studyign! I am new to your channel (I have been subscribed for about a month) and I am already kind of obsessed..! You have inspired me to live a healthier, more organized life. For 2017, I am buying a bullet journal and accessories for it, desk organization, a new desk, new bed sheets and blankets, etc. I never thought that watching a couple of videos on this channel would make me think about life, and how I am currently living it, so much! Thank you thank you thank you!!


My new year started with a cold. I wasn't able to do anything but sleep and drink tea. Today is the first day that I'm feeling better and I'm so motivated!


I saw you wrote "avoid introvertness" and I just want to say that being an introvert isn't something to avoid, but something to celebrate in a world that's trying to talk our ear off! I think a better goal would be avoid shyness. Shyness is the fear of social judgement, but being an introvert just means how you receive your ideal level of stimulation and your ideal level of stimulation! I recommend reading the book "Quiet" by Susan Cain and also watch her ted talk. I used to be ashamed of my introvertedness and In middle school I was suppressing it by trying to be as outgoing as possible. Now that I'm a senior in high school I've found that my introvertness is actually a good thing and something I'm proud of! :)


Your videos are very informational and useful to people who are struggling. I am about to be in middle school the next school year and that means a lot of homework, knowledge, struggling, and learning. When I watch your videos I get myself prepared. And I started New Year's resolutions because of you so thank you for making videos! I hope you do more!


your videos made me realize that my life needed to be organized so I donated and threw away andy clutter in my room and I started a bullet journal and I am planning to go back to school with a ready mind and motivation with clear goals ahead. thank you. ❤ Happy new year.


your bullet journal is soo cute and organized. i wish i could have one like yours too


Hey there ! I am a new subscriber and I am so glad I discovered your videos just in time for the new year, they really motivated me to start being more organized and gave me great new ideas for journaling. I was delaying cleaning up all my digital/paper clutter for so long and when I saw this video I was like, "Well, no better time than now." Thank you for all your amazing and helpful videos.


Ah! Already know how helpful this video is going to be. Happy New Year to you! I really hope to be super productive in the new year.


love your inspirational quotes in the last few frames. "if the plan ain't working.... " and "the best way to finish..." Very cool!!


Just wanted to say that you have inspired me to be more organized and study more. It has definitely helped my school performance, and I'm really glad I found your channel! :)


Holy cow! It's already been an entire year!! I've only been here since about August but that's ok... Your channel is SO inspiring for me. Right now I'm in the 8th grade but that means high school starts next year. I'm so glad I found your page before then because now I know a little more of what to expect but I still don't know everything. I can't wait to see what the new year brings!! ❤☺️


For the time management I use multiple ways I use my 3 planners-daily, weekly/monthly and a binder planner that I made for myself and other ways


The most intense resolution I did for this year was to quit social media. The moment I erased all my social media accounts (excluding gmail), I actually felt like crying because all my hard work was gone. But a day has past and it actually felt awesome :) I felt like there wasn't anymore weight on my shoulder and I don't feel like I have to be "forced" to look on my phone to look up on other people's update. It felt really good.