
Finding a woman at 26. while retired. 
that gives baby steps a whole new meaning


I’m an electrician and I’ve been saying we need to put plates on the garage door sensor wires. They always get ripped out. Good job to that guy


Tell her nothing and don’t use the dating apps.


You can tell this guy was so excited to call in and share his story.


The old days never left


First piece of advice , don't retire


When the question comes up, "what do you do?" Tell them you work as an engineer for whatever you invented. You'll likely not get the question about finances until you're pretty serious. Don't show off the fact you have a lot of money. Drive an average car, go to '"regular" restaurants, etc


Years ago after a divorce and moving to Florida, I started attending Singles Dances,  I had the time of my life, and learned I didn't just like to dance - I LOVED to dance.  One evening, making what I thought was small talk, I asked a gentleman what his profession had been.  He jumped down my throat, and suggested I had been checking to see how rich he was.  I apologized, and mentioned about small talk, and left the dance floor.  After asking me to dance again, I told him I didn't want to take the chance he would misconstrue anything I said or asked, and it would be better for his peace of mind to find someone else to dance with.  Nothing to fear.  Who needs it!


Low key “ I just had to tell someone” vibes 😂😂😂


You attract what you put out. When you lead with money you get people who are attracted to it.


The answer is:  nothing.
Don't show up in a luxury car, look like any other Joe.  If she stays with you for what you are, then she's a keeper.  Then, and only then, do you reveal your wealth.  She's with you for who you are, and not your wealth.
Still sign a prenuptial though, just in case.


I would honestly recommend finding a job they love, no matter the pay, and working like regular so that they can pretend the only money coming in is what they get from that regular job and they can easily keep themselves humble. Never disclose finances to people you dont trust. If say you work at an auto shop cause you love working on cars, its not lying. Not buying a new big house, a nice car, watches, shoes stuff like that. It will attract the wrong type of person.


Approach yourself first.  What do you have to contribute other than money.  Are you honest?  Are you prudent?  Do you have courage?  Fortitude?   Is your judgment generally good?  What are you going to do wiith your life?  Do you have any goals other than being rich?  If you want to meet women who care about more than money, you have to show that YOU care about more than money.  What are your interests, your passions?  Will you cntinue to educate yourself throughout your life?  From my point of view (as someone married happily to the same man for 55+ years)  every person in a good marriage will have a) courage, b) integrity/honesty, and c) a capacity to love...deep love.    Lacking any of those--and actually, lacking any of the four cardinal virtues (courage, prudence, judgment, temperance) will weaken a marriage.  My husband had good character , had goals, demonstrated ablity to work, etc.  You will attract the kind of person you are...if all you want is to be rich and idle, you will attract women who want to be rich and idle.


Men should know that success isn't built on success. It's built on failure and frustration, and on fear that you have to overcome. That's what the The Black Book of Riches by Christopher Voss taught me. The best read I ever had.


I drive a Rav4. Turned gold diggers off instantly.


It’s easy. You buy a modest home in a good school district, you buy a pickup truck, you put as much money into a Roth as possible through your “company” preferably 60% of your total wealth, you find a nice church and across everything you do exemplify a very low profile, hard working, frugal, and honest person of high character and one would hope you attract a similar person. If you act wealthy, go to high end restaurants, bars, clubs, marinas, country clubs, etc. you will attract a lower caliber person that will target your money instead of your substance of character. I speak from experience. When you get to the point of marriage, you do not move forward without a prenup even if your spouse comes from money. Also, do not even consider a girl that comes from a broken home, history of drugs and alcohol, physical or sexual abuse, etc. too many fish in the sea to have to deal with someone’s past trauma especially if you intend to have children.


He once talked about a book 'The Architect of Riches' by Alexander Pierce and i can’t believe how underrated it is. This book has some serious knowledge you won’t find anywhere, definitely changed my life since.


Once you read The Black Book of Riches, you can’t unsee it. The system is built to keep you in the dark, but this book turns the lights on.


Back in the day, a young lady asked what I do. I said I'm independently wealthy. She said "Oh, really" with a a big smile. I said "No, I lied".


Dave's genuine joy for this dude was so wholesome. 🎉