
Hey! I hope all you guys are doing well under quarantine thus far. Just wanted to say that :)


Bought it 2 years ago, it's still amazing. The noise cancellation for this price point is really good. It is really comfortable. For me, my ears are going to sweat a bit. And yes, it is not really good for using in the gym, but I still use them. I reeally like the voice assistant feature. And the sony app you can use with this headphones, is really handy. You can customize your it to your fav sound. And that bass is blummin amazing. I love the bass! With that app, you can boost the bass even more! The durability is also very good. You might need to switch the ear pads, when you used it for the gym. After a while they start to look nasty. But you can pick these up for a fraction. There are also a lot of aftermarket ear pads


I really enjoyed this review, it kind of summed up how I feel about my pair. We bought them for my wife 2 years ago when Best Buy had them on sale for $99. I only started using them a few months ago and now use them super regularly. I'm super impressed by them for that price. I'm also impressed that you were able to get to 6-7 hours before they get uncomfortable! They do feel uncomfortable to me in about 45 minutes. I used a pair of Surface headphones the other day and the difference with those for comfort was pretty astounding.


That woman smoking on the balcony, though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Better sound quality is all I need. I just bought these, nice review, thanks :)


watching this video on 700n. As you mentioned the sound quality is amazing for the price range. Quite balanced headphones for all frequencies. works great for me.


Great review man. i have these as well and I think one thing about these headphones to be noted is that the noise cancelling is not "active". ANC as such adapts to the sound around you and has not just a higher level of NC, but also adjust it "actively". The 700N just has a "fixed" noise cancelling, bearing that beyond a certain frequency, it doesn't cancel noise anymore. The noise cancelling is limited by frequency and not really active as such, so for the price, I was happy it had NC and its not really bad and like you said, not very good either :D


I love the review, I got this headphones three days ago for 60$ now I have no doubt that I did well. Thanks.


Great video man :) I ordered one myself right now


Thanks for the review Russell Wilson


I'm watching this video whilst wearing the headphones you're reviewing πŸ˜‚


The cat really sold it for me. Great review btw πŸ˜‚


I honestly love these headphones. I personally enjoy the anc cause it dampens sound mostly which I still like to be atoned to my surroundings


Had mine also for about 2 years now. Bought it when I was at Estonia. Still happy with my pair. Audio is awsome especially when connected to the Sony App. Nice Review bro. Keep it up πŸ‘


2.5K Views and most of them were too lazy to leave a like....
Great review! Especially in 2020.


Great review 2 years hence. Btw, that neighbor of yours smoking on bokeh background is hilarious.


Fantastic review! You know exactly what the average consumer wants to know. Well done!


I can't believe that this video got just 50 likes for this kind of good and detailed review. YouTube is strange sometimes...
By the way, what genre of music you generally listen to?


Nice review. One little thing, the audio is kindof grainy when you’re louder. But great content!!


You just won a subscriber... This is the best reviee for the headphones I've seen! It's like all my thoughts, as a user, explained! Well done, jeep it up 😁