
How to recreate Twilight Eclipse:

Race: Githyanki 
Body Type: 2 
Head: 4 
Skin Colour: Sage Tone 6 
Scars: n/a 
Maturity: 60% 
Tattoo: Nightjar Blots 
Tattoo Colour: Black 
Hair: Portrait Model 
Hair Colour: Brown Gold 2 
Highlights: Orange 1 
Eye Colour: Ruby 1


Thank Gruumsh for showing the full tale of Twilight Eclipse with his real and authentic Githyanki hair


I have Twilight Eclipse as my dream guardian and it puts a smile on my face whenever he uses his luscious locks to manipulate my Tav into making a worm colony.


The epilogue implies that there will be a second playthrough in the terrifying alternate universe where Twilight Eclipse is a bard with piercing blue eyes?


Mr. GamesOnHardMode I genuinely cannot thank you enough for this series; it is endlessly enjoyable and your humor is unbelievably unique and quotable. Thank you for bringing me some joy during a time where I’ve needed it and tell Twilight Eclipse bingo from me (I know out of context it’s a strange thing to say but tell him anyway)


Being new here, naturally I assumed you had recreated all of the Twilight series within BG3. Now I have been sucked into the beautiful story of Twlight Eclipse and his perfect and real hair. I thank ye for this art 🙏


A most beautiful story about the heroics of Twilight Eclipse and his real golden locks.
The storytelling is *chef's kiss


Goddamn that Durge bard foreshadowing at the end.




did I watch this already yes, am I here to relive the magic of Twilight eclipse and their very real hair? YES


So glad we finally got to see how him forgetting to betray that British man turned out! 😂


“That’s completely irrelevant. What a pointless dream this is.”

An icon.


I have rewatched these videos so many times, and it looks like i'm about to again. The part with Cazador makes me laugh out loud every single time - too good. We need more of this. We need another playthrough.


The epilogue!!! Gruumsh answered our prayers and is good to us this day!!!


I will always cherish this time with Twilight Eclipse’s perfect and very real hair. Oh and with Twilight Eclipse too. ❤


Thank for putting it in one vid. Now I can enjoyed the full adventures the unsung heroes of BG3 in a one place, glory to Sir Fuzzalump.

Jokes aside, it's really my favourite characters in that series, it's impressive how you managed to make that blank hireling so entertaining.


The completely canon and authentically haired BG 3 playthrough in one package.


Ah yes, my favorite playthrough ever is in its full glory. I am 100% sitting down and watching it without skipping because that’s what Twilight Eclipse and his gorgeous all natural hair deserve.


The level of joy when I saw the feature film adaption of Twilight Eclipse was unmatched


This was amazing, and I love the epilogue twisting into the start of Twilight Eclipse as a bard for charity.

It was great watching all 4 parts and the extended ending is great. I shall keep an eye out for your future works.